I thought a part of their conversation might be useful, and I books online shall, therefore, relate it, as nearly as I can recollect, leaving each individual to draw books online her own books online inferences. Prayer. First the meats are packed away in a hard brown shell, which the water cannot get through; this keeps it dry, and away from dust, and other things which might injure it. reminded her of her lesson, but she just noticed the books online remark by a toss of the head, books online and was soon in the green fields, apparently the gayest of the gay. " "Would that be about books online right?" asks the girl, showing a distance. In the same manner notice is given five minutes before the second half of the hour expires, and so in all the other three hours. It is a metallic plate upon which are marked in gilded letters, the words "_Study Hours_. _Several voices. Day after day the teacher went through this regular routine.
If it is successful, it may books online be continued, and the principle extended, till it very considerably modifies all the arrangements, and books online the books online whole management of the school. |G. As examples of this there might easily be mentioned, were it necessary, several new modes of study, and new text books, and literary institutions on new plans, which have been brought forward within a few years, and proved, on actual trial, to be of real and permanent value.
He must study the nature of the effect he is to produce, and of the materials upon which he is to work, books online and adopt, after mature deliberation, a plan to accomplish his purpose, founded upon the principles which ought always to regulate the action of mind upon mind, and adapted to produce the _intellectual effect_, which he wishes to accomplish. So with officers. " "It would undoubtedly, and even then I could not in many cases tell. And this is to be the course pursued, not only with great delinquencies, such as those to which I have already alluded, but to every little transgression against the rules of books online order and propriety. Did I ask for pencils?" books online A pause. This is the field in which the teacher is to study human nature; for here it shows itself without disguise. Let him go with an intention to soothe rather than to irritate feelings which have been wounded before,--to comply books online with the wishes of all so far as he can, even if books online they are not entirely books online reasonable,--and books online while he endeavours to elevate the standard and correct the opinions prevailing among his employers, books online by any means in his power, to aim at doing it gently; and in a tone and manner suitable to the relation he sustains;--in a word, let him skilfully _avoid_ the dangers of his navigation, not obstinately run his ship against a rock on purpose, on the ground that the rock has no business to be there.
5. He struck them once or twice, though not very severely on the head, with the rule which he had in his hand. There have been, in several cases, experiments made with reference to ascertaining how far a government, strictly republican, would be admissible in books online a school. Even when they are in school, the most untiring vigilance will not enable us to watch, except for a very small portion of the time, any individual. Multiplicity of the objects of attention. The scholars' written remarks, and the teacher's comments. _Susan. But though sometimes vexed, and irritated by the conduct of a neighbor, a client, or a patient, they feel not half the bitterness of the solicitude and anxiety which come to the teacher through the criminality of his books online pupil. books online
"I don't know sir; I hung it up on my nail, and he pulled it down. c.
" "Well, now try to say the Alphabet, and let me see if I can put you out there. Beyond this, however, no interference contrary to the parent's consent, is justifiable. "I see each of you are ready to tell of the other's fault, but it would be much more honorable if each was open in acknowledging his own. books online In the same manner, an Episcopal teacher, in a private school, formed and supported by Episcopalians, may use and commend forms of prayer, and explain the various usages of that church, exhibiting books online their excellence, and their adaptation to the purposes for which they are intended. He set up, in the pasture, a narrow board, for a target, books online or as boys would call it, a mark,--and then, collecting all the boys of the neighborhood, he proposed to them an amusement, which boys are always ready for,--firing at a mark. books online If it then turns out that the individual is ordinarily a well-disposed boy, all is right, and if he proves to be habitually disobedient and troublesome, the lenity and forbearance exercised at first, will facilitate the effect aimed at by subsequent measures.
The teacher observed in one part of the room, a hand raised, indicating that the boy wished to speak to him. HATS AND BONNETS. The first thing which will be necessary, will be an open and thorough exposure of all which has been wrong, and this you know will be unpleasant. The distinction, you observe, is this.
It will stimulate them to great exertion to avoid all misconduct, and it will prepare the way for separating books online them afterwards without awakening feelings books online of resentment, if the experiment of their sitting together should fail. It is true that the caution given in a preceding part of this chapter, against devoting undue and disproportionate attention to such persons must not be forgotten. " "There;--there is a very perfect line. While he was maturing his plan, and carrying it into execution;--while adjusting his wires, fitting them to the exact length, books online and to the exact position,--and especially, when, at last, he watches books online the first successful operation of his contrivance,--he must have enjoyed a pleasure, which very few, even of the joyous sports of childhood, could have supplied. Most of the scholars obey it of their own accord, implicitly and cordially. It seems to me, therefore, that it is best for the teacher first to meet his scholars with the air and tone of free and familiar intercourse, and he will find his opportunity more favorable for doing this, if he goes early, on the first morning books online of his labors, and converses freely with those whom he finds there, and with others as they come in. " Here a number of the hands went up. By going, however, books online to some new field, establishing some new and fanciful institution, you take yourself from such a sphere;--you exert no influence over others, except upon feeble imitators, who books online fail in their attempts, and bring discredit upon your plans by the awkwardness with which they attempt to adopt them. "It is not of much consequence," the teacher might say, "whether you have good excuses, or bad, so long as you are not prepared. The teacher, after watching some time for an opportunity to humble him, one day overhears a difficulty among the boys, and looking out of the window, observes that he is taking away a sled from one of the little boys, to slide down books online hill upon, having none of his own.
' The friends resumed conversation. "'Please to form a regular line,' said the lady commander. " "Why is it that so many of our countrymen are, or seem to be prejudiced against books online the books online unfortunate children of Africa? Almost every _large white_ boy, who meets a _small black_ boy, insults him, in some way or other. I found from farther inquiry that this had been the case, and I closed by saying, "I am satisfied, that those who have inadvertently books online fallen into this practice are sorry for it, and that if I should leave it here, no more cases of it would occur, and this is all I wish. He allowed a day or two to elapse, so that the conversation might be forgotten, and then took an opportunity, one day, after school, when all things had gone on pleasantly, and the school was books online about to be closed, to bring forward the whole subject. c.
"Don't you know any books online thing about it?" "No sir, not much. Thus you will observe that five minutes before the half hour expires, the bell will ring; soon after which the classes in recitation will take their seats. _ As the end of the hour approaches, five books online minutes notice is given by the bell, and when the time arrives, the study card is half books online dropped for a moment before the closing exercises. Besides if you make inquiries, and form a definite opinion books online of your pupils, they will know that this is your practice, and many a one will repose in the belief that you consider him or her a Christian, books online and you will thus increase the number, already unfortunately too large, of those, who maintain the form and pretences of piety, without books online its power; whose books online hearts are filled with self-sufficiency and spiritual pride, and perhaps zeal for the books books online books online online truths and external duties of religion, while the real spirit of piety has no place there.
He may afterwards make changes, books online as he may find them necessary or desirable, and even bring the school soon into a very different state from that in which he finds it; but it will generally be more pleasant for himself, books online and books online better for the school, to avoid the shock of a sudden and entire revolution. This is books online devoted to the study of the Languages. I trust the principle which I have been attempting to enforce, is fully before the reader's mind, namely, that moral and religious instruction in a school, books online being in a great degree extra-official, in its nature, must be carried no farther than the teacher can go with the common consent, either expressed or implied, of those who have founded, and who support books online his school. _Never_, do I say? Perhaps there may be some exceptions. The great question in the management of schools, is not, how you can take _one_ scholar, and lead him forward, most rapidly, in a prescribed course, but how you can classify and arrange _numbers_, comprising every books online possible variety, both as to knowledge and capacity, so as to carry them all forward effectually together. Offences of pupils. The next day, I shall assign to the class in History, a passage giving an account of the formation of books online this government; and afterwards lessons will be recited from the Political Class Book, explaining the mode of collecting money for the use of our government, by duties, and the relative powers of the General and State Governments. Every one has his peculiar sources of enjoyment,--and objects of pursuit, which are before his books online mind from day to day; books online find out what they are, that by taking an interest in what interests him, and perhaps books online sometimes assisting him in his plans, you can bind him to you. There books online is, perhaps, no country in the world, where the books online teacher may be allowed to do so much, towards books online leading his pupils to fear God, and to obey his commands, with the cordial consent of parents, as he can here.
He succeeded, and by these efforts he raised himself from books online being a mere laborer, receiving for his daily toil a mere daily subsistence, to the books online respectability and the comforts books online of an intellectual pursuit. 2. So long as he leaves the great objects of the school untouched, and the great features of its organization unchanged, his many plans for accomplishing these objects in new and various ways, awaken interest and spirit both in himself and in his books online scholars, books online and all goes on well. |G. (7. In most of the best schools, I believe this plan is adopted. _Religious Exercises in School. But besides being useful as a mode of examination, this plan of answering questions simultaneously, is a very important means of fixing in the mind, any facts, books online which the teacher may communicate books online to books online his pupils. books online At the top of the plate _d_, a small projection of the tin turns inwards, and to this, one end books online of the cord _m m_ is attached. The guilty individual expected that the next thing would be to call him out for punishment.
Let me tell you what good order is.
Now, so far as we thus fall short of this full benefit, so far there is, of course, waste; and it is difficult or impossible to make such arrangements as will avoid the waste, books online in this manner, of a large portion of every books online effort, which the teacher books online makes. You will probably become books online restless and uneasy, before the end of the lesson, especially the smaller books online boys. We must not rely, however, entirely upon books online their _interest in it_. It is a majority. It is time for studying and reciting Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and similar studies. " "I think it would be less unjust to deprive all of their recess who are tardy, for then the loss of a recess books online by a boy who had not been to blame, would not be very common, and the evil would be divided among the whole, but in the plan of my hearing the excuses, books online it would all books online come upon one.
"Did you hear that noise?" said he. It is the duty of teachers to take care, however, when a pupil pleads want of books online time as a reason for books online being unprepared in any lesson, that the case is fully examined, that it may be ascertained whether the individual has joined too many classes, in which case some one should be dropped, and thus the time and the employments of each individual should be so adjusted as to give her constant occupation _in school_, and as much more as her parents may desire. books online And why? books online Why because it is new. But the pupil, in such cases, understands, or at least he believes, that the teacher applies to religious truth, only to eke out his own authority, and of course, it books online produces no effect. That day, when the hour for the transaction of business came, the teacher stated to the school, that it was necessary to take some measures books online to provide each boy with a nail for his hat. " Several, in various parts of the room, stood up. The school was commenced with a small number of books online pupils, and without any system or plan whatever, and the one here described, was formed insensibly and by slow degrees, through the influence of various and accidental books online books online circumstances. They ought to refer all cases which they cannot easily manage, to my care. _ Sixty-two cents.
They cannot be pointed out. " He then resumed his exercise as if nothing had happened. Others understand and consider all this beforehand. _Emily. books online Tabu is a term with them which signifies consecrated,--not to be touched--to books online be let alone--not to be violated.
"Thus books online you must destroy books online prejudices in all cases, by connecting pleasant thoughts and associations with the objects of them. While, however, books online it is thus distinctly understood that the power of the teacher is supreme, that all the power rests in him, and that he alone is responsible for its exercise, there ought, to be a very free and continual _delegation_ of power to the pupils.