One class gasoline powered cars of teachers seem never to make it a part of their calculation that their pupils will do wrong, and when any misconduct occurs, they are disconcerted and irritated, and look and act as if some unexpected gasoline powered cars occurrence had broken in upon their plans. At the second bell the new classes should take their places without waiting to be called for.
In fact, a large gasoline powered cars proportion of the offences against order gasoline powered cars committed in school are the mere momentary action of the natural buoyancy and life of childhood. Whenever the parents, or the committee, or the trustees express, however mildly and properly, their wishes in regard to the manner in which they desire to have their own work performed, their pride is at once gasoline powered cars aroused. If these are really the feelings which reign within you, the boy will see it, and they will exert a strong influence over him, but you cannot counterfeit appearances. The criminal is praised by the teacher for the frankness and honesty of the confession, and his fault is freely forgiven. When such a case as the one just described occurs, it will afford a favorable opportunity of showing distinctly to pupils the difference gasoline powered cars between an honest and an hypocritical confession. M.
Half a dozen might, and very probably would meet with the same difficulty. Miss W. I do not mean that this will gasoline powered cars be the gasoline powered cars case with all, but that there will be a few, who will be ungenerous enough, if you allow them to decide, sometimes, to endeavor to make trouble, or at least to show symptoms of impatience and vexation, because you do gasoline powered cars not allow them to decide always. But that you may understand what course is taken, I shall describe, first what I wish to effect in the hearts of my pupils, and then what means I take to accomplish the object. 19. After he had finished his narrative, he said, "Now should you like to know who this boy was?" "Yes sir;" "Yes gasoline powered cars sir;" said they, eagerly.
Suppose the teacher were to say, when the time had arrived, at which he had promised to give them an opportunity to gasoline powered cars put them in order, "I think it would be a good plan to keep some account of our efforts for improving the school in this respect. Do you understand how I mean?" "Yes sir;" "No sir;" they answered, variously. I first requested each individual to write something upon her slate, which she would like to buy, if she was going a shopping, stating the quantity she wished and the price of it. It may seem strange that I should speak so seriously of God's forgiveness for such a trifle as that. Explain truth and duty, not in an abstract form, gasoline powered cars but exhibit it, _in actual and living examples_. _Third Hour--Mathematics.
No one must come till he is called. As much as this, is required of students, in many literary institutions. ) The first point to be attended to, is to ascertain who they are. ) Do not hope or attempt to make all your pupils alike. * * gasoline powered cars * * * The teacher should thus, in accordance with the directions we have given, commence his labors with careful circumspection, patience, frankness, and honest good will towards every individual of his charge. He must guard against this. It is a very great improvement upon your common mode. _A good text-book which the teachers for whom it was intended did not know how to use!!_ i. { E. Do you remember my speaking on this subject, in school the other day?" "Yes sir. THERE IS THEN TO BE NO COMMUNICATION AND NO LEAVING OF SEATS EXCEPT AT THE DIRECTION OF TEACHERS.
"Do you suppose it would be safe to leave the decision of important questions to the scholars in this school?" "Yes gasoline powered cars sir;" "No sir. " "All the boys in this school who studied geography may rise. "A few days ago," says the teacher, when all was still, "I accidentally gasoline powered cars overheard some conversation between two of the boys of this school, and one of them swore. The teacher must, indeed, in all his intercourse with his pupils, never forget his station, nor allow them to lay aside the respect, without which authority cannot be maintained.
gasoline powered cars I thought a part of their conversation might be useful, and I shall, therefore, relate it, as nearly as I can recollect, leaving each individual to draw her own inferences. While he remains, he must honestly and fully submit to the wishes of those, in whose hands Providence has placed the ultimate responsibility of training up the children of his school. It is true that there must necessarily gasoline powered cars be _some_ system in every large school; but various instructers will fall upon different principles of organization, which will naturally be such as are adapted to the habits of thought and manner of instruction of their respective authors, and consequently each will be best for its own place. " He pauses and looks round upon the class. (2. Thus the object is steadily pursued, though gasoline powered cars the means of pursuing it, are constantly changing. It is this.
Can any of you think what they are? I suppose you have all been, either gasoline powered cars at this school, or at some other, required to bring written excuses, so that you have seen the plan tried; now have you never noticed any objection to it?" One boy said that it gave the parents a great deal of trouble at home. One boy is leaning back against a desk; another comes forward as far as possible, to get near the fire; the rest lounge in every position gasoline powered cars and in every attitude. Topics. _Emily. If all should go out together, it is probable that some would be rude and noisy, and that others would come back tardy and out of breath. The reason ordinarily is, that they say that _any_ of the boys may answer, instead of that _all_ of them may. To make the gasoline powered cars first lesson as simple as possible, I requested no one to go above ten, either in the quantity or price. They say, that as this is the only rule with which I trouble them, they ought certainly to observe this faithfully.
_ Well, so we will. This, however, _the assistance rendered to the teacher_, is not the object. " Roger looked as if he did not know what to think about it. If the chestnuts were good, he was afraid they would gasoline powered cars pick them off and eat them, if they were small. At the first of these, the general business of the school is transacted. Though the Superintendents as such, have necessarily speaking, no _teaching_ to do, still they ought particularly to secure the progress of every pupil in what may be called the _essential_ studies, such as reading, writing, and spelling. The community are agreed, not only in believing that piety consists primarily, in love to God, but that _the life of piety is to be commenced by gasoline powered cars penitence for past sins, and forgiveness, in some way or other, through a Saviour_. The teacher has the whole field, which this subject opens, fully before him.
In nine cases out of ten, this gasoline powered cars course will be effectual. The general principles are, it is true, of universal application, but it is only where a school is of moderate size that the details of position, in respect to individual scholars, can be minutely studied. I will therefore not do it. Abbott. ) You will observe then, that there follows upon the schedule, a quarter of an hour gasoline powered cars marked G. _First General Exercise. Perhaps I do; but the Saviour said, "By their fruits ye shall know them," and it is safest to follow his direction. I am prejudiced to [against] the very spot. But if the teacher were, of his own accord, to commence the plain, faithful, and honest gasoline powered cars discharge of this duty as a matter of course, very few would think of making any objection to it; and almost all would be satisfied and pleased with its actual operation. I could never calculate very readily and in the hurry and perplexity of the moment, I was always making mistakes. And why? Why because it gasoline powered cars is new.
D. In other instances, a board of trustees are constituted by the appointment of the founders of the institution, or by the legislature of a state, to whom is committed the oversight of its concerns, and who are consequently gasoline powered cars the representatives gasoline powered cars of the founders and patrons of the school. , until gasoline powered cars at last all were down. This difficulty is in a great degree, peculiar to a teacher. I hope however to show, in a future chapter, that there are other and far higher objects, which every teacher ought to have in view, and he who understands these objects, and aims at accomplishing them,--who endeavors to _instruct_ gasoline powered cars his class, to enlarge and elevate their ideas, to awaken a deep and paramount gasoline powered cars interest in the subject which they are examining, will find that his time must be his own, and his attention uninterrupted, while he is presiding at a class. " 'In the two back rows we are sorry to say that we have noticed gasoline powered cars whispering.
A boy or girl comes to the desk to ask a question, or make a request, and the teacher sees in the cast of countenance, or in the bearing or tone of the individual, something indicating a proud, or a sullen, or an ill-humored disposition, and conceives a prejudice, often entirely without foundation, which weeks perhaps do not wear away. "I think a boy who gasoline powered cars gasoline powered cars uses bad language of any kind, does what he knows is wrong. Whose sled was it that Richard took away?" "James Thompson's.
Very little ingenuity gasoline powered cars will be necessary to devise some plan, by which the scholars may be apportioned among these, so that each shall supply a given number, and the teacher be relieved entirely. Example of the operation of the system. " "Yes, I should be very glad to excuse them, if I could find out who they are. Making all alike. "I mean, you do not bring it into court, as a case of wrong.
Avoid it in this manner. It will assist the young teacher very much in his first day's labors, if he takes measures for seeing and conversing with some of the older or more intelligent scholars, on the day or evening before he begins his school, with a view of obtaining from them some acquaintance with the internal arrangements and customs of the school. But before I proceed, let me protect myself from misconception by one or two gasoline powered cars remarks.
But when, on the other hand, he goes to his employment, only to perform a certain regular round of daily work, undertaking nothing, gasoline powered cars and anticipating nothing but this dull and unchangeable routine; and when he looks upon his pupils merely as passive gasoline powered cars objects of his labors, whom he is to treat with simple indifference while they obey his commands, and to whom he is only to apply reproaches and punishment when they disobey; such a teacher never can take pleasure in the school. There are other pressing and exhausting pursuits, which wear away the spirit by the ceaseless care which they impose, or perplex and gasoline powered cars bewilder the intellect by the multiplicity and intricacy of their details.
'Did you know,' said the one who had first spoken of Miss W. "It would evidently," continued the teacher, "be the easiest for me to leave this subject, and do nothing about it. Making all alike. No one of them knows that any other is writing, except you, but after the others are all done, I will compare them and see if yours is not the best. "Perhaps I ought to punish him, but I am very unwilling to do that. All I should expect or hope for, by such measures as these, is _to interest and gain over to our side, the majority_. He breaks God's commands. But children are not reached by formal exhortations; gasoline gasoline powered cars powered cars their hearts are touched and affected in other ways.
This method gasoline powered cars may be made more formal still, by requiring a class to write a full and regular abstract of all they have learned, during a specified time. "Suppose you all had your choice gasoline powered cars gasoline powered cars either to belong to a company like the first one I described, where the captain was strict in all his requirements, or to one like the latter, where you could do pretty much as you pleased, which should you prefer?" Unless I entirely mistaken in my idea of the inclinations of boys, it would be very difficult to get a single honest expression of preference for the latter. And then when we reflect upon the influence which would be exerted upon the future religious character of this nation, by having the millions of children training up in the schools, accustomed, through all the years of early life, to being brought daily into the presence of the Supreme, with thanksgiving, confession, and prayer, it can hardly seem possible that the teacher who wishes to be faithful in his duties, should hesitate in regard to this. He must steadily pursue his object, of familiarizing them fully with this elementary process, but he may give variety and spirit to the work, by changing occasionally the modes. gasoline powered cars There are very few editors whose papers circulate gasoline powered cars in families, who would gasoline powered cars not gladly receive articles of this kind, to fill a teacher's department in their columns. Advanced scholars. Such an address would, of itself, probably, be the means of putting in order, and keeping in order, at least one half; and following up the plan in the same manner, and in the same spirit, with which it was begun, would secure the rest. Let the scholars understand that the superiority of the teacher does not consist in his infallibility, or in his universal acquisitions, but in a well balanced mind, where the boundary between knowledge and ignorance is distinctly marked; in a strong desire to go forward, in mental improvement; and in fixed principles of action, and systematic habits. On the other hand the teacher enjoys, in reference to this subject of confinement, an advantage, which scarcely any other class of men does or can enjoy. The distraction and perplexity of the teacher's life are, as was explained in the last chapter, almost proverbial. Boston, June 20, 1833.
Excuses. " He made the inquiries and ascertained pretty nearly how many had been tardy, and how often within a week. "Does this fault," he would say to himself, "prevail among my pupils? If so, how extensively?" It is comparatively of little consequence to punish the particular transgression. _ "Tens?" _B. To whisper to an individual the answer to a question, is sometimes to pay her rather a poor compliment, at least; for it is the same as saying, 'I am a better scholar than you are; let me help you along a little. ] "This shows how much dependence you can justly place on first impressions. If you should at any time be gasoline powered cars so unhappy as to violate your obligations to yourself, to your companions, gasoline powered cars or to me,--should you misimprove your time, or exhibit an unkind or a selfish spirit, or be disrespectful or insubordinate to your teachers,--I should go frankly and openly, but kindly to you, and endeavor to convince you of your fault. "It gives me trouble and pain. These constituted the leading Committee, or as it was afterwards termed, _Singing Committee_. All efforts to conceal ignorance, and all affectation of knowledge not possessed, are as unwise as they are dishonest.
4. _ may rise. But if the teacher were, of his own accord, to commence the plain, faithful, gasoline powered cars and honest discharge of this duty as a matter of course, very few would think of making any objection to it; and almost all would be satisfied and pleased with its actual operation.
"This is a fine sunny nook for you to talk in.
And teaching, if it is pleasant, gasoline powered cars animating, and exciting to one, may be so to all.