" The boys were then all satisfied that it was better downingtown hotels 19335 that chestnuts should grow in burrs. (3. Instruction and supervision of pupils. Now should you rather have me talk with you or not?" "Yes sir, I should rather downingtown hotels 19335 have you talk with me now, than in school. Nothing too much has been required of me.
Or she may, as is much more frequently the case, choose to join a great many classes, so as to fill up, perhaps, her whole schedule with recitations, in which case she must downingtown hotels 19335 prepare all her lessons at home. ' "'They seem to be very busy; they are very industrious, good boys. I should like, therefore, to have two committees appointed; one, to count and report the number of nails in the entry, and also how much room there is for more; the other, to ascertain the number of scholars in school. One day, when every thing had gone smoothly and pleasantly, the teacher told the boy, at the close of school, that he wanted to talk with him a little, and asked him to walk home with him.
Another way to awaken interest in the studies of the school, is to bring out as frequently, and as distinctly, as possible, the connexion between these studies and the practical business of life. "They are epistles or letters.
C. How many plead guilty to this?" After mentioning such other faults as occurred to him, relating chiefly to the form of the table, and the mere mechanical execution of the work, he said: "I think I shall not look at your slates to-day. By this plan also the teacher obtains what is almost absolutely necessary at the commencement of his labors, time for _observation_. They very wisely chose the latter plan, and the study card was constructed and put up to mark the times of free communication, and of silent study.
By these, and perhaps by other means, it is the duty of the teacher to satisfy himself that his pupils are really attentive to their duties. If ever I see your desk in such a state again, I shall most certainly punish you. The second to write twenty, containing only adverbs. " "Yes sir, Yes sir," said the boys. ' "'They seem to be very busy; they are very industrious, downingtown hotels 19335 good boys.
I do not mean I expect you to _decide_, but to _reflect_ upon them. I have done nothing on this subject downingtown hotels 19335 yet, for I wished to see whether you would not come early, on principle. " Three only, of the whole number, which consisted downingtown hotels 19335 of not far from 20, sat down. But this is a sad mistake. It is unsafe to neglect either downingtown hotels 19335 of these points. Now you see, that according to the first of these senses, all the hats in this school, belong to your fathers. _Several voices. He talks to them in simple language, and wonders why they are not interested. He soon got tired of picking them up one by one, and sat down upon the bank, to try to devise some better means of accomplishing his work.
) Every thing which is unpleasant in the discipline of the school should be attended to, as far as possible, privately.
"I think," proceeds the teacher, "the boys will be downingtown hotels 19335 honest, and report their desks just as they are. He began to teach when he was twenty years of age, and now he is forty. " "Then you know something downingtown hotels 19335 about it. The arrangement which seems to me as well calculated as any for the religious exercises of a school, is this: 1. If you once commit the addition table thoroughly, you have it fixed for life; whereas if you do not, you have to make the calculation over again every time, and thus lose a vast amount of labor. The plan very soon diminished the number of loiterers. " They rise. There is but one rule downingtown hotels 19335 of this school. The general principles are, it is true, of universal application, but it is only where a school is of moderate size that the details of position, in respect to individual scholars, can be minutely studied. That the individual scholars may downingtown hotels 19335 have constant employment, and such an amount and such kinds of study, as shall be suited to the circumstances and capacities of each.
After her downingtown hotels 19335 return from the excursion, she complained of a head-ache which in fact she had; she threw herself languidly on the sofa, sighed deeply, and took up her History. _ "William was trying to take it away from me. (3. A carpenter, for instance, would certainly lose his work, if he should not perform it faithfully, and in season. I have often been surprised at the dexterity and speed with which some scholars can count with their fingers, when adding, and yet they could not get through the sum very, quick--at least they would have done it downingtown hotels 19335 in half the time, if the same effort had been made in travelling on a shorter road.
You all remember, however, how large he is. When the boys came to tell him their results, he asked them to make a little memorandum, in writing, as he might forget, before the time came for reading them. " The reason then, that some of the class add so slowly, is not probably because they want skill and rapidity of execution, but became they work downingtown hotels 19335 to a great disadvantage, downingtown hotels 19335 by working in the wrong way. They "hoisted away," until I began to think that the poor man would actually tumble out behind. This is fundamental. " "The next?" Many answer, "Romans. Now it plainly is not just downingtown hotels 19335 or right, that one party should hold the power, and another be held accountable for its exercise. A large number of the scholars take a pride and pleasure in carrying this rule into as perfect an observance as possible. It is marked evening lessons, because most, though not all, of the studies are intended to be prepared out of school. The other brings all his ingenuity and enterprise into the field, to accomplish a steady purpose, by means ever varying, and depends for his power, on his downingtown hotels 19335 knowledge of human nature, and on the adroit adaptation of plans to her fixed and uniform tendencies. To take charge of books and stationary.
" "Yes; and the fourth?" "Gender. You downingtown hotels 19335 remember your resolution of rising earlier. " "Yes sir, Yes sir," said the boys. There need be no fear that employers will be dissatisfied, if the teacher acts upon downingtown hotels 19335 this principle. It is so obvious and unquestionable, as to be entirely beyond the necessity of proof, for it is plain that nothing but such a bond of union, can keep the peace, among the millions of distinct intelligences with which the creation is filled.
Familiar lectures from the teacher, on various subjects,--very familiar in their form, and perhaps accompanied by questions addressed to the whole. I went up to her bedside and asked her how she did. The students were soon after informed that this mode of bringing offenders to justice would, hereafter, be always pursued, and arrangements were made for organizing a _regular republican government_, among the young men. ) There should be downingtown hotels 19335 a great difference made between the _measures you take_ to prevent wrong, and the _feelings of displeasure_ against wrong, when it is done. (6. One important method of doing this, is, to present these plans before the minds of the scholars, downingtown hotels 19335 as experiments,--moral downingtown hotels 19335 experiments, whose commencement, progress, and results, they may take a great interest in witnessing. B. All I should expect or hope for, by such measures as these, is _to interest and gain over to our side, the majority_.
Or he might say, "Sir, you have a right to direct upon your own grounds, downingtown hotels 19335 and I do not wish to interfere with your plans; but I must ask you to obtain another gardener. If the precise steps which I have described, should actually be taken, although it would occupy but a few minutes, and would cause no thought, and no perplexing care, yet it would undoubtedly be the means of awakening a very general interest downingtown hotels 19335 in the subject of order, throughout the school. Instead of resolving to "rise earlier," resolve to rise at the ringing of the sunrise bells, or at some other definite time. The parent remonstrates. Still the place of deposit remains, and, after a time, some striking communication is made, which awakens general attention, and calls out other pens, until the fifteen minutes, corresponding to the afternoon General Exercise, in the plan provided in a preceding chapter, (which is all which is allowed to be devoted to such purposes,) is not sufficient to read what is daily offered. They would be far more valuable than any general speculations, however well downingtown downingtown hotels 19335 hotels 19335 conceived or expressed. Mrs. I do not mean that a man is to confine himself, rigidly, to the principle suggested by this calculation, of cautiously appropriating no more time to any one of his pupils, downingtown hotels 19335 than such a calculation would assign to each; but downingtown hotels 19335 simply that this is a point which should be kept in view, and have a very strong influence in deciding how far it is right to devote attention, exclusively, to individuals.
The attorney general, at this juncture, conceived downingtown hotels 19335 the idea of indicting the individual alluded to, for an attempt to overturn the government. It is this which gives interest to the plans and operation of human governments.
This whole account is substantially fact. "I don't know sir; I hung it up on my nail, and he pulled it down. Answers given simultaneously to save time.
In the latter, his knowledge is only imperfectly his own; he can make use of it only under favorable circumstances. Now you see, that according to the first of these senses, all the hats in this school, belong to your fathers. The Principal accordingly went into the class, and something like the following dialogue ensued. | | | | | | | | +-------+----+-----+------+-----+--+--+------+------+--+--+-----+-----+ |MONDAY. This is no reason why they should be indulged, or why the order and regularity of the school should be sacrificed, but it should prevent their exciting feelings of anger or impatience, or very severe reprehension. Exhaustion, weariness, and anxiety will be your continual portion, and in such a state, no business can be successfully prosecuted. "The first fault, which I suppose will be found, is, that some are unfinished. _Sarah.
Advantage of visiting schools; and of reading descriptions of them. You know about how many are governed, habitually, by steady principle, and how many by impulse and feeling.
downingtown hotels 19335 _Emily. As soon as an individual has exhausted her stock of information, or if the facts that she intended to mention are downingtown hotels 19335 stated by another, she takes her seat. The word occurred in their reading lesson. But children are not reached by formal exhortations; their hearts are touched and affected in other ways. The downingtown hotels 19335 design of inserting them is merely to show that the ordinary literary ability to be found in every school, may be turned to useful account, by simply opening a channel for it, and to furnish such teachers as may be inclined downingtown hotels 19335 to try downingtown hotels 19335 the experiment, the means of making the plan clearly understood by their pupils. Let them distinctly understand too, that you know it is difficult,--that you mean to downingtown hotels 19335 make it so,--but downingtown hotels 19335 that they have your sympathy and encouragement, in the efforts which it calls them to make.
In fact, I think you ought to do it. At the same time, they who have done this, will feel more effectually relieved from the pain which having done wrong must necessarily give them, if they individually acknowledge downingtown hotels 19335 it to me. A small red morocco wrapper lies constantly on a little shelf, accessible to all. It must be so. James is by the same sagacious device, concealing a whisper, which he is addressing to his next neighbor, and Moses is seeking amusement by crowding and elbowing the little boy who is unluckily standing next him. (4. The reader will observe, too, that the method by which this explanation is made, is strictly in downingtown hotels 19335 accordance with the principle I downingtown hotels 19335 am illustrating,--which is by simply _dividing the process into short steps_. You will soon become acquainted with the exercises and arrangements of the particular Section to which you will be assigned, and by taking an active interest in them, and endeavoring to co-operate with the Superintendent in all her measures, and to comply with her wishes, you will very materially add to her happiness, and do your part towards elevating the character of the circle to which you will belong. Do you now understand the principles of the arrangement of the epistles?" "Yes sir. The first class in Geography may take therefore, for their next lesson, downingtown hotels 19335 the State of South Carolina; to-morrow they will recite in the hearing of the whole school, when I shall make such additional explanations, as will occur to me. It is not necessary to our purpose, that they should be described here.
Artifices in Recitations. Do you remember my speaking on this subject, in school the other day?" "Yes sir. Of course, if those founders forbid it altogether, they have a right to do so, and the teacher must submit. The period necessary to effect the revolution will be longer or shorter, according to the circumstances of the school, and the dexterity of the teacher; and, after all, the teacher must not hope _entirely_ to exclude it.
There are, however, a number of little transgressions, too small downingtown hotels 19335 to be individually worthy of serious attention, but which are yet troublesome to the community, when frequently repeated. It must be so. "At length, as we were passing a humble and solitary dwelling, the gentleman said to me, 'There is a young woman sick in this house; should you like to go in and see her?' 'Yes sir' said I, 'very much. By understanding the dispositions and characters of such a class of pupils as I have described, I do not mean merely watching them, with vigilance, in school, so that none of their transgressions shall go unobserved and unpunished. Questions about lessons. "Is the sun ever exactly downingtown hotels 19335 over our heads?" "Is he ever exactly south of us?" "When he is exactly south of us, or in other words, exactly opposite to us, in his course round the earth, downingtown hotels 19335 he is said to be in our meridian.
downingtown hotels 19335 Tardiness; plan for punishing it. I refer to the rights of the Committee, or the Trustees, or downingtown hotels 19335 Patrons, in the control of the school. In connexion with each, give the suggestions as to the kind of articles to be written, which the pupils may receive at the time the subject is assigned. You see him deeply interested when you speak of his obligations to his Maker, and the duties he owes to him. The scholars would not look to see whether I was in my desk, but whether the Study Card was up. Her personal duty. To such I may downingtown hotels 19335 perhaps owe an apology, for having thus fully discussed a topic, in which only a part of my readers can be supposed to be interested. But if I ask those to rise who have _not_ rung the bell, I shall make known to the whole school who they are that have done it, and I wish that the exposure of faults should be private, unless it is _necessary_ downingtown hotels 19335 that it should be public. He accordingly appropriates a regular portion of time to a formal lecture or exhortation, which he delivers without regard to the mental habits of thought and feeling which prevail among his charge.
ORDER OF DAILY EXERCISES. These relate chiefly to _order in the school rooms_.