"I have got a sharper 1990'ss techlology knife," said he, drawing his penknife out of his pocket. Every experienced teacher can recollect numerous cases of this sort, and he learns, after a time, to suspend his judgment. With the exception that occasionally, usually not oftener than once in several months, I allude to the subject, and that chiefly on account of a few careless and unfaithful individuals, I have little to say or to do to maintain the authority of the study card. You 1990'ss techlology engage a carpenter to erect a house for you, and you present your plan; instead of going to work and executing your orders according to your wishes, he goes to criticising and condemning it: he finds fault with this, and ridicules that, and tells you, you ought to make such and such an alteration in it.
I shall probably never know. | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+----+-----+------+-----+--+--+------+------+--+--+-----+-----+ _First Hour. "Was it real robbery?" They hesitate. The scholars all look up from their work;--the culprits slowly rise from their seats, and with a sullen air come down to the floor. The scholars consider it scolding; it is scolding, and though it may, in many cases, contain many sound arguments and eloquent expostulations, it operates simply as a punishment. As fast as you think of any thing, you 1990'ss techlology may raise your hands, and as soon as I see a sufficient number up, I will give directions to begin. 1990'ss techlology Your affectionate teacher, ---- ----. What they dislike is, sour looks and irritating language, 1990'ss techlology and they therefore very naturally dislike every thing introduced or sustained by their means. Other requisites were necessary besides the correct formation of the letters, to enable one to pass; for example, the page must not be soiled or blotted, no 1990'ss techlology paper must be wasted, and, in no case, a leaf torn out. The more minute and full the information of this sort is which he thus obtains, the better.
The method can, however, go into full effect, only where there are several pupils who have made considerable advances in mental cultivation. 1990'ss techlology
He is saying to himself all the time, 'I hope I shall get the quarter of a dollar. Look over your school-room, therefore, and wherever you find one, whom you perceive the Creator to have endued with less intellectual power than others, fix your eye upon him with an expression of kindness and sympathy. 'Tis true they sometimes mistake, but not often, and the teacher of children of almost any age, need not be afraid that he shall not be understood. I receive some of the most valuable suggestions in this way, from the older and more reflecting pupils. This wrapper is deposited in a place accessible to all the scholars, and any one who pleases, deposits in it any question or suggestion on religious subjects which may occur to her. It is a majority. Pupils do not generally practice any one of them exclusively, but occasionally resort to each, according to the circumstances of the particular case. The exercise went on for some time in this way, till the pupils had become so familiar with it, that I thought it best to allow them to take 1990'ss techlology higher numbers. "The second?" "Mark. To make it successful, however, it must be done properly. 1990'ss techlology At the double lines at ten and three, there might be a rest of two minutes; an officer appointed for the purpose, ringing a bell at each of the parts marked on the plan, and making the signal for the _rest_, whatever signal might be determined upon.
"James, I am making some changes in the seats, and thought of removing you to another place. CHAPTER V.
This you have already said will take six hours. It must be very small. " "Oh,--you and Joseph are particular friends then, I suppose. Yet it may succeed vastly 1990'ss techlology better in his hands, than any old method he had tried before. "Do you remember the noise to which I called your attention early this afternoon? "Yes, sir. Punctuality. The object of a school is not to take children out of the parental hands, substituting the watch and guardianship of a stranger, for the natural care of father and mother. ) "The 1990'ss techlology next mode of counting is to do it mentally, without using your fingers at all, but as it is necessary for you to have some plan to secure your adding the right number, you divide the 1990'ss techlology units into sets of two each.
Now is there any rule in this school against selfishness. Besides if you make inquiries, and form a definite opinion of your pupils, they will know that this is your practice, and many a one will repose in the belief that you consider 1990'ss techlology him or her a Christian, and you will thus increase the number, 1990'ss techlology already unfortunately too large, of those, who maintain the 1990'ss techlology form and pretences of piety, without its power; whose 1990'ss techlology hearts are filled with self-sufficiency and spiritual 1990'ss techlology pride, and perhaps 1990'ss techlology zeal for the truths and external duties of religion, while the real spirit of piety has no place there. There is another principle also, which I will mention, the various articles should have _constant_ places,--that is, they should not be changed from day to day. Experimenting has a sort of magical fascination 1990'ss techlology for all. The third, to write sentences in two forms, one containing the adjective, and the other expressing 1990'ss techlology the same idea by means of the adverb, arranging them in two columns, thus, 1990'ss techlology He writes well. Continue thus adroitly to stop every thing disorderly, while at the same time you notice and remember where the tendencies to disorder exist. I consider this period 1990'ss techlology as one the most important in the whole morning. In all probability, the formal announcement of this principle, and the endeavor to introduce it, by a sudden revolution, would totally fail. All I should expect or hope for, by such measures as these, is _to interest and gain over to our side, the majority_.
The good will be made better,--the conscientious more conscientious still,--and the rude and savage will be subdued and softened by the daily attempt to lead them to the throne of their Creator. He 1990'ss techlology would be much aided in this by the previous knowledge which he would have obtained by private conversation, as recommended under a former head. I tried this plan 1990'ss techlology very thoroughly, with high ideas of the dependence which might be placed upon conscience and a sense of duty, if these principles are properly brought out to action in an effort to sustain the system. The ways by which boys engage in open, intentional disobedience, are, of course, greatly varied, and the exact treatment will depend upon the features of the individual case. " "Oh,--you and Joseph are particular friends then, I suppose. Concluding remarks.
" The boy accordingly began again, but was soon completely confused by the teacher's accompaniment; he stopped in the middle of his line saying, "I could say it, only you put me out. _ The first thing which will call your attention as the hour for 1990'ss techlology the commencement of the school approaches in the morning, is the ringing of a bell, five minutes before the time arrives, by the regulator, who sits at the curtained desk before the Study Card.
There are however some real and serious difficulties 1990'ss techlology which always have, and it is to be feared, always will, cluster around this employment; and which must, for a long time, at least, lead most men to desire some 1990'ss 1990'ss techlology techlology other employment for the business of life. Thus by means of the half hour during which the scholars are coming together, and of the visits made in the preceding evening, as described under the last head, the teacher will find, when he calls upon the children to take their seats, that he has made a very large number of them his personal friends. But at any rate, it showed my good wishes 1990'ss techlology for him,--it showed that I was his friend, and what return do you think he made me for it? Why, to-day he spent his time between schools in filling the room with smoke, that he might torment his companions here, and give me trouble, and anxiety and suffering, when I should come. II III IV V +-------------+--------------------+-----------------+ | Grammar. Unfortunately there are too many of the former class, and the first object, which, in this work, I shall attempt to accomplish, is to show my readers, especially those who have been accustomed to look upon the business of teaching as a weary and heartless toil, how it happens, that it is, in any case, so pleasant. Each recitation, too, should have its specified time, which should be adhered to, with rigid accuracy. When he first 1990'ss techlology enters upon the duties of his office, he is diffident and timid, and walks cautiously in the steps which precedent has marked out for him. In the same way, treasure up in mind such occurrences as may come under your own personal observation, when travelling, or when mixing with society.
(1. Story of the pencils. What would, in ordinary cases, be the effect? It would certainly be a very simple application; but its effect would be, to open an entirely new train of thought and feeling for the boy. That is, a _prejudice_ would not be a sufficient ground to justify withholding 1990'ss techlology blame. The subjects are sometimes suggested by a passage of 1990'ss techlology scripture read for the purpose, but more commonly in another way. At the end of the exercise, he addresses them, perhaps, as 1990'ss techlology follows: "I have observed, boys, in some military companies, that the officers are very strict, requiring implicit and precise obedience. 6.
Take off your hats, and go to your seats. I do not mean that a man is to confine himself, rigidly, 1990'ss techlology to the principle suggested by this calculation, of cautiously appropriating 1990'ss techlology no more time to any one of his pupils, than 1990'ss techlology such a calculation would assign to each; but simply that this is a point which should be kept in view, and have a very strong influence in deciding how far it is right to devote attention, exclusively, to individuals. If he is faithful and enters with all his heart into the discharge 1990'ss techlology of his duties during six hours, there will be something in the ardor, and alacrity, and spirit with which his duties will be performed, which parents and scholars will both be very glad to receive, in exchange for the languid, and dull, and heartless toil, in which the other method must sooner or later result. I afterwards 1990'ss techlology had one made in a better manner. Our community is agreed that _there is a God_. (3) But perhaps the greatest evil of this practice is, it satisfies the teacher. But there are, perhaps, only a hundred 1990'ss techlology in the school, and of these a large part understand already the point to be explained, and another large part are too young to attend 1990'ss techlology to it. These, and a multitude of similar points constituting what may be called the general _administration_ of the school, become, when the number of pupils is large, a most important branch of the teacher's duty. The number who had spoken inadvertently, and the number who had done it by design, might be ascertained. The experiment was tried with greater and greater success for several days, when the Teacher proposed that a systematic plan should be formed, 1990'ss techlology by which there 1990'ss techlology night be singing regularly at the close of school. This feeling of interest 1990'ss 1990'ss techlology techlology in the institution may very easily be awakened.
May he treat all his pupils with kindness; and if any of them should do any thing that is wrong, wilt thou help him, gently but firmly to endeavor to bring him back to duty. He waited for some days, and the difficulty still continued. Rights of Committees, Trustees, or Patrons, in the control of the school. After we had proceeded a few yards, there appeared among the crowd on the wharf, a man with his trunk under his arm,--out of 1990'ss techlology breath,--and with a most disappointed and disconsolate air. The teacher seems to consider that a matter of course. He may take an interest with them in all the little arrangements connected with the opening of the school. He attempts to remove 1990'ss techlology evils by waging against them a useless and most vexatious warfare of threatening and punishment; and he is trying continually _to drive_, when he might know that neither the intellect nor the heart are capable of being driven. The consequence was, there was so great an accumulation around the doors outside, that it was almost impossible 1990'ss techlology for the crowd to get out. Former fault not corrected. The teacher, too, feels a special interest in his experiment. As individuals are called upon, also, to express their ideas _verbally_, they soon acquire by practice, the power of expressing their ideas with clearness and force, and communicating 1990'ss techlology with ease and confidence the knowledge they possess.
But it should be kindly, though distinctly explained to them, that, in the business 1990'ss techlology of life, they must have their knowledge so much at command, that they can use it, at all times, and in all circumstances, 1990'ss techlology or it will do them little good. On the other hand, laxity of discipline, and the disorder which will result from it, will only 1990'ss techlology lead the pupils to contemn their teacher, and to hate their school. " "The next?" "The Acts. "All who do understand may take their seats; as I wish to give as little explanation, as possible. Bring the principles of the Bible forward when the mind is calm, when the emotions are quieted, and all within is at rest; and in exhibiting them, be actuated not by a desire to make your duties of government easier, but to promote the real and permanent happiness of your charge. INSTRUCTION. "You see now," said the teacher to the class which had witnessed the experiment, "that this boy knows his Alphabet, in a different sense, from that in which he knows his Multiplication table. In due time it 1990'ss techlology 1990'ss techlology is regularly advertised. Let us then examine the various particulars above mentioned in succession, and see how each can be disposed of, so as not to be a constant source of interruption and derangement.
But what are you making this formidable club for?" Joseph was completely at a loss what to say. The object now is, simply to gain the _majority_,--to awaken a general interest, which you can make 1990'ss techlology 1990'ss techlology effectual in promoting your plans, and thus to narrow the field of discipline, by getting those 1990'ss techlology right, who can be got right by such measures.