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All our institutions ought to be so administered weaver gallery as openly to recognise the hand of God, and to seek his protection and blessing; and in regard to none is it more imperiously necessary than in respect to our common schools. After the plan had gone on for some time, and its operation was fully understood, the teacher gave up the business of examining the weaver gallery books into the hands of a Committee, appointed by him from among the older and more advanced pupils. On the other hand, laxity of discipline, and the disorder which will result from it, will only lead the pupils to contemn their teacher, and to hate their school. I have no idea that it is superior to the plans of government and instruction adopted in many other schools. And this may be a month, or perhaps a quarter, and precisely the same effects would have been produced, if the whole had been reversed, weaver gallery that is, if the plan of dictation had been the old one, which in process of time had, in this supposed school, lost its interest, and the teacher by his ingenuity and enterprise had discovered and introduced what is now the common mode. This is the understanding which ought always to exist between master and scholars. [Footnote F: The articles to which this letter is prefixed were communicated for the work, by different teachers at the request of the author. It is not necessary to our purpose, that they should be described here. I told her that I _hated_ the school mistress weaver gallery then; though I had weaver gallery never seen her. The irregular class.

Is weaver gallery there discontent in the weaver gallery school? It shows itself by "_propositions_" in the wrapper. So I concluded to label it, _Tabu_. I can't bear her.

Still, though he said nothing in the way of reproach or reprehension, weaver gallery and weaver gallery did not name the boys, but merely gave a cool and impartial narrative of the facts,--the weaver gallery effect, very evidently, was to bring such quarrels into discredit. weaver gallery " "Well, I have forgotten weaver gallery too. Careless work. But before I proceed, let me protect myself from misconception weaver gallery by one or two remarks. This I should not have expected the little girls could think of. How do they all write? How do they all read? How do they calculate? It would be well if he would make a careful examination of the school, in this respect. No; it should be the teacher's main design, to shelter his pupils from every deleterious influence, and weaver gallery to bring every thing to bear upon the community of minds before him, which will encourage, in each one, the developement of its own native powers. After the period of his services has expired, he returns to the pursuit of his studies, encouraged by his success, and anticipating further triumphs weaver gallery in his subsequent attempts. Wilt thou who didst originally give us all our powers, direct and assist us all, this day, in the use and improvement of them.

I once heard a teacher who had been very successful, even in large schools, say that he could hear two classes recite, mend pens, and watch his school, all at the same time; and that, without any distraction of mind, or any unusual fatigue. "It will do them no good," says the chairman of the committee, "to learn by heart some dozen or two of learned names.

To such I may perhaps owe an apology, for having thus fully discussed a topic, in which only a part of my readers can be supposed to be interested. |R. I have been honest and open. Recitation. All this can be weaver gallery done very easily and pleasantly when the wheels are once in motion; for a school is like a ship in one respect,--most weaver gallery easily steered in the right direction, when under sail. " LAURA.

This is a subject upon which young persons find much difficulty. " She went slowly and thoughtfully to her seat, and presently returned with an indictment. The following specimens, transcribed verbatim from the originals, with the remarks made, as nearly weaver gallery as they could be remembered immediately after the weaver gallery exercise, will give an idea of the ordinary operation of this plan. The great point is, to devise some plan to reach the whole evil, and to correct it, if possible.

The teacher, who was secretly watching him, observed the whole manoeuvre. Every thing of this weaver gallery sort should be weaver gallery occasionally changed, or it sooner or later becomes only a form. "I must take up," thinks he to himself, "the subject of order, before the whole school. If in such conversations the teacher should find a few intelligent and communicative scholars, weaver gallery he might learn a great deal about the past habits and condition of the school, which would be of great service to him. " "Well, now try to say the Alphabet, weaver gallery and let me see if I can put you out there.

The Vote-Receivers will write the question, and place it upon the boxes.

_ "Seven. This plan was continued until it was found more convenient to have the teachers' meeting in the afternoons. If all should go out together, weaver gallery it is probable that some would be rude and noisy, and that others would come back tardy and out of breath. There may be features of this plan, which teachers who may read it, may be inclined to adopt. It is his duty to submit to the public will, and though he may properly do all in his power, to present the subject to his employers weaver gallery in such a light, as to lead them to regard it as he does, he must still, until they do so regard it, bow to their authority; and every magistrate, who takes an enlarged and comprehensive view of his duties as the executive of a republican community, will do this without any humiliating feelings of submission to unauthorized interference with his plans. An experiment. Proper way weaver gallery of rendering assistance. In concluding what he said, he addressed the boys as follows: "Now boys, weaver gallery the question is, do you wish to abandon this habit, or not; if you do, all weaver gallery is well. 20. In the meantime, he took a little pains to cultivate the acquaintance of the boy, to discover weaver gallery weaver gallery and to show that he noticed what was good in his character and conduct, occasionally weaver gallery to get from him some little assistance, and thus to gain some personal ascendancy over him. _ Three pieces of tape at five cents.

"I wish," said he, "I knew what he is going to do with that burr. weaver gallery It is not our business to reprove any one's misconduct, but it is our duty weaver gallery to mention it, however disagreeable weaver gallery it may be. '" Never destroy the effect of such a communication as this, by attempting to follow it up with an exhortation, or with general remarks, vainly attempting to strengthen the impression. By no means. VERNON SCHOOL. Shall the practice of prompting in the classes be any longer continued? 'We would propose that we have a composition exercise _this_ week similar to weaver gallery the one on Thursday last.

He _may know_ weaver gallery that their views are erroneous. Again, he may let them work on paper, with pen and ink, that he may see how few mistakes they make, as mistakes in ink, cannot be easily removed. These various points have something common weaver gallery in their nature, but it is difficult to give them a common name. They do not like to have their powers underrated; and they are right in this feeling. It is not however, as is generally supposed, _the confinement_. But he has not, on weaver gallery this account, a right to step in between the parent and the child, to guide the latter according to his own opinions, and to violate the wishes and thwart the plans of the former. I shall examine each in their order. weaver gallery

These studies are miscellaneous in their character, comprising Geography, History, Natural and Intellectual Philosophy, and Natural History. Familiar weaver gallery lectures from the teacher, on various subjects,--very weaver gallery familiar weaver gallery in their form, and perhaps accompanied by questions addressed to the whole. Such a case as this, for example, once occurred. In making the change, however, it is of fundamental importance that the pupils should themselves be interested in it. 152 CHAPTER VI. The influence of it was to awaken universal interest in the approaching examination of the slates. "Well, boys," at length you say, with a serious but frank tone of voice, "I saw you playing in a disorderly manner to-day. Unfortunately there are too many of the former class, and the first object, which, in this work, I shall attempt to accomplish, is to show my readers, especially those who have been accustomed to look upon the business of teaching as a weary and heartless toil, how it happens, that it weaver gallery is, in any case, so pleasant. Each teacher, who tries such an experiment, will find himself insensibly repeating it, and after a time he may have quite weaver gallery a number of officers and committees, who are entrusted with various departments of business.

Such cases however never occur. _ I don't think she is very pretty, but she looks as if she might be a good scholar. Scene in the wood. Various opinions they have heard expressed. " James reads as follows. Every teacher too must hope that such improvements will continue to be made. for Benevolence.

If a case comes up, in which the sympathy of the scholars is excited for the criminal, in such a way as to be against yourself, it will always do more harm than good. weaver gallery Let him choose from among the older and more intelligent of his scholars, four or five, whom he will teach. " * * * * * weaver gallery Now, weaver gallery in some such cases as this, great good may be done both in respect to the individual, and to the state of public sentiment in school, by openly exposing a boy's misconduct. When it was up, they were, on no occasion whatever, (except some such extraordinary occurrence as sickness, or weaver gallery my sending one of them on a message to another, or something clearly out of the common course,) to speak to each other; but were to wait, whatever weaver gallery they wanted, until the _Study Card_, as they called it, was taken down. ) Finally let me insert weaver gallery as the keystone weaver gallery of all that I have been saying in this chapter, be sincere, and ardent, and consistent, in your own piety. She must not however, _at the request of an individual_ for the sake of her mere private convenience, give her permission to speak or to leave her weaver gallery seat. Difficulties. "I wish," said he, "I weaver gallery knew what he is going to do with that burr. Conceive clearly,--paint distinctly to your imagination what is described,--contemplate weaver gallery facts in all their bearings and relations, weaver gallery weaver weaver gallery gallery and thus endeavor to exercise the judgment and the weaver gallery thinking and reasoning powers, weaver gallery rather than the mere memory, upon the subjects which will come before you.

"How many," I then asked, "have ever been put to the trouble weaver gallery to go to the door, when the bell has thus been rung? They may rise. But let him, on the other hand, when a boy comes to him to ask some weaver gallery question, the answer to which many in the school would equally wish to hear, say to the inquirer: "Will you be so good as to weaver gallery write that question, and put it on my desk, and then, at the regular time, I will answer it to all the school. Perhaps I have overrated the abilities of the class, but I have weaver gallery not intended to assign you more than you can accomplish. " "The next?" Many answer, "Romans. Answering questions in regard to studies. Construction and use.

The distinction, you observe, is this. Mode weaver gallery of illustrating it. Example. I have no doubt that there are some in this weaver gallery class who are in the habit of _counting_, who have ascertained that seven and eight for instance, make fifteen; by counting up from seven to fifteen, _hundreds of times_. A dozen hands, all around weaver gallery weaver gallery him, were immediately seen fumbling in pockets and desks, and, in a few minutes, several pencils were reached out for his acceptance. weaver gallery

I can _forget_, and I do forget. "A. Additions are thus made, until your weaver gallery time is fully occupied. weaver gallery When this investigation is made, I will tell you what to do next. "But there are a great many other motives entirely distinct weaver gallery from these. These or the most interesting of them should be made known to other teachers. When you assign a lesson, glance over it yourself, and consider what difficulties are likely to arise. Some teachers take their pens with them, and mend them in the evening at home. Now the care which he had exercised in attending to it at the time, and remembering it when the same word, (for the difference in the spelling he of course knew nothing about,) occurred again, was really commendable. " He then repeats the question, and obtains a full response.

] 1. "Recess was again announced, and the lines commenced their evolutions to the tune of Kendall's March. There may be exceptions to this rule.

Abbott. The only question that can justly arise, is, whether, he will remain in such a situation, or seek employment, where a door of usefulness, here closed against him, will be opened. Another way to excite interest, and that of the right kind in school, is not to _remove_ difficulties, but to teach the pupils how to _surmount_ them. One important method of doing this, is, to present these plans before the minds of the scholars, as experiments,--moral experiments, whose commencement, progress, and results, they may take a great interest in witnessing. He should mention to his pupils the great and obvious duty of imploring God's guidance and blessing in all their ways, and then read a short portion of Scripture, with an occasional word or two of simple explanation, and offer, himself, a short and simple prayer. 1. And he did. _ Forty-two cents. Showing the connexion between the studies of school and the business of weaver gallery life.

It was at last removed by the very simple expedient of creating a greater danger behind than there is before. Helen's lesson. " "Yes sir, Yes sir," said the boys. " "The next?" "John. Firing at the mark. "Will the sun go towards, or from, the Rocky Mountains, after leaving us?" "How long did you say it takes the sun to go round the globe, and come to us again?" "How long to go half round?" "Quarter round?" "How long will it take weaver gallery him to go to the Rocky Mountains?" No answer. ' _I_ knew the lady by report, and asked why she weaver gallery was so regarded, weaver gallery the reply was, 'Because she was so severe, so satirical in her remarks weaver gallery upon others. The teacher's own mental habits. 10.

An experiment. He accordingly states to them, just before the writing exercise of the day on which he proposes the experiment, as follows. weaver gallery "For example, (to take the case of the antipathy to the spider, alluded to in the last article,) the weaver gallery reason why that young lady dislikes spiders, is undoubtedly because she has some unpleasant idea associated with the thought of that animal, perhaps for example, the weaver gallery idea of their crawling upon her--which is certainly not a very pleasant one for any body. But children are not reached by formal exhortations; their hearts are touched and affected in other ways. Business.

Parents have the ultimate right to decide how their children shall be educated. The discussions are enlivened too, by meeting and removing such little difficulties, as will naturally come up, in such an investigation. Much must of course remain in the hands of the parent; it ought so to remain. The remedy in such a case is a very simple one.

_ weaver gallery She does not look as if she had much taste for any thing; see, how strangely she fixes her hair. " A wise teacher, who takes enlarged and extended views of his duty, in regard to the moral progress of his pupils, would act very differently. (3) But perhaps the weaver gallery greatest evil of this practice is, it satisfies the teacher. Lastly, in every new plan, consider carefully whether its success in your hands, after you have tried it, and found it successful, be owing to its novelty and to your weaver gallery own special interest, or to its own innate and intrinsic superiority. You know too, what weaver gallery proportion have judgment and foresight necessary to consider and decide independently, such questions as continually arise in the management of a school. It is therefore the plain duty of every man, to establish that connexion between himself and his Maker, which the Bible requires, and to do what he can to bring others to the peace and happiness of piety. " The cases of those who are unprepared at a recitation, ought, by no means, to be passed by, unnoticed, although it would be unwise to spend much time in examining each, in detail.