The great question iain johnstone in the management of schools, is not, how you can take _one_ scholar, and lead him forward, most rapidly, in a prescribed iain johnstone course, but how you can classify and arrange _numbers_, comprising every possible iain johnstone variety, both as to knowledge and capacity, so as to carry them all forward effectually together. Another iain johnstone way to awaken interest in the studies iain johnstone of the school, is to bring out as frequently, and as distinctly, as possible, the connexion between these studies and the practical business of life. Singing. As we came towards the wharf again, we saw the man in a small boat, coming off from it. He would be much aided in this by the previous knowledge which iain johnstone he would have obtained by private conversation, as recommended under a former head. 18. Of course they proceed with less alacrity, and consequently with less rapidity and success. For example, under the line of straight marks, which constituted the first lesson, was written as follows: _Straight, equidistant, parallel, smooth, well terminated_ These directions were iain johnstone to call the attention of the pupil to the excellences which he must aim at, and when he supposed he had secured iain johnstone them, his book was to be presented to the teacher for examination. Case supposed. To illustrate clearly how this may be done, we may give the following dialogue. By such means, the practical bearings and relations of the studies of the school-room, may he constantly kept in view; but I ought to guard the teacher, while on this subject, most distinctly, against the danger of making the school-room a scene of literary amusement, instead of study.
"Mrs. Looking at an object to be accomplished, iain johnstone or an evil to be remedied, then studying its nature and extent, and devising iain johnstone and executing some means for effecting the purpose desired, is, in all cases, a source of pleasure; iain johnstone especially when, by the process, we bring to view or to operation, new powers, or powers heretofore hidden, whether they are our own powers, or those of objects upon which we act. _Susan. "I wish now the second Accountant would copy these in a little book I have prepared for the purpose, arranging them alphabetically, referring all doubtful cases again to me. B. He did not commend those who were evidently making effort; he noticed iain johnstone who and how many they iain johnstone were, that he might understand how far, and upon what sort of minds, his experiment was successful, and where it failed. I do not know the authors of the others. A teacher, for example, perhaps on the first day of his labors in a new school, calls a class to read. It at once relieves his labors, while it doubles their efficiency and success. I have taken your reports as you have offered them, without any inquiry, because I had no doubt, that a great majority of this school would be honest, iain johnstone at all hazards. The objects which are really most important.
But this can surely be no reason. If approved the word _Passed_, or afterwards simply _P. He may, and in some cases does feel _anxious concern_, and may regret the infatuation by which, in some unhappy case, a valuable life may be hazarded or destroyed. Systematising the teacher's work.
(2. His whole work is experimenting upon mind; and the mind which is before him to be the subject of his operation, is exactly in the state iain johnstone to be most easily and pleasantly operated upon. For example; iain johnstone the mark denoting that letters were too short, was simply lengthening them in red ink. At the commencement of the exercise the teacher calls upon all who have any information in regard to the topic assigned, suppose, for example it is _Alabaster_, to rise. " "More than twice?" "I do not recollect exactly,--I believe you have. Wasted time, blotted books, and fretted tempers, were all the results which iain johnstone the system iain johnstone produced. She did not seem to know whether she would get well again or not, and in fact, she did not seem to care much about it.
While he remains, he must honestly and fully submit to the wishes of those, in whose hands Providence has placed the ultimate responsibility of training up the children of his school. The teacher under moral obligation, and governed, himself, by law. On the other hand, laxity of discipline, and the disorder which will result from it, will only lead the pupils to contemn their teacher, and to hate iain johnstone their school. By raising the tassel, the plate will of course fall over forward till it is stopped by the part _b_ striking the board, when it will be in a horizontal position. --INSTRUCTION. Unless the boys are very different from any I have ever met with, they will be pleased with the duty thus assigned them. And then when I think how soon he, and all of us will be in another world, where we shall all be judged for what we do here, I feel strongly desirous of persuading him to abandon entirely this practice. Should you on the other hand prefer the peace and happiness of piety, and be willing to begin to walk in its paths, iain johnstone you will find many both among the teachers and pupils of the Mt. It requires as much mental effort to consider and decide sometimes whether I ought to allow a pupil to leave his seat, as it would to decide a much more important question; therefore I do not like our plan, and I have another to propose. "There is a great objection to this plan from the fact that a boy is sometimes necessarily iain johnstone absent, and by this rule he will lose his recess with iain johnstone the rest, so that the innocent will be punished with the guilty. The teacher, too, feels a special interest in his experiment.
On the other hand the teacher enjoys, in reference to this subject of confinement, an advantage, which scarcely any other class of men does or can enjoy. " "Yes sir," say the boys, all looking with interest at the teacher, wondering how this experiment is going to end. "You are to consider and decide whether she was iain johnstone guilty of disorder; iain johnstone taking into view the testimony iain johnstone of the witnesses, and also her defence. No narrative could excite a stronger interest iain johnstone iain johnstone among an audience of school-boys, than such an one as this; and no act of kindness from a teacher, would make as vivid an impression, as interfering to rescue a trembling captive, from such a situation as the one this boy had iain johnstone been in. But though sometimes vexed, and irritated by the conduct of a neighbor, a client, or a patient, they feel iain johnstone not half the bitterness of the solicitude iain johnstone iain johnstone and anxiety which come to the teacher through the criminality of his pupil. Are you not satisfied that it is?" The scholars universally answered, iain johnstone "Yes sir. This feeling of interest in the institution may very easily be awakened.
They will have generally seated themselves together in little knots, for as they are aware that the new teacher does not know them, they iain johnstone iain johnstone will imagine that, though perhaps separated before, they can now slip together again, without any trouble. _Appropriate particular times at which all this business is to be done, and forbid it altogether_ iain johnstone at every other time. Any little incidents the scholars may have noticed illustrating good character. I should like to try the experiment of your standing thus, at the next lesson. FORENOON. It is their work: it is going on at their instance, and at their expense, and the power of ultimate iain johnstone iain johnstone decision, on iain johnstone all disputed questions, must, from the very nature of the case, rest with them. The main iain johnstone design is to _interest iain johnstone the pupils_, in the management and the welfare of the school,--to identify them, as it were, with it.
" The teacher then described his iain johnstone conduct, in a mild manner, using the style of simple narration,--admitting iain johnstone no iain johnstone harsh epithets,--no terms iain johnstone of reproach. I will allow it to go on as long as you avoid the evils I have above alluded to. Was a building burnt by lightning in the neighborhood? Let those who saw the scene, describe iain johnstone it; their productions to be read by the teacher aloud; and let them see that clear descriptions please, and that good legible writing can be read fluently, and that correct spelling, and punctuation, iain johnstone and grammar, make the article go smoothly and pleasantly, and enable it to produce its full effect. I should very probably do this by addressing a note to you, as I suppose this should be less unpleasant to you than a conversation. The existence of God. It is true, there are not throughout the year, exact hours which he must keep, but considering the imperious demands of his business, his personal liberty is probably restrained as much by it, as that of the teacher. It is intended for those who feel interested in receiving such instruction, and who can conveniently attend at that time. They know that they have something to do, which, however easy it may be to the teacher, is really difficult for them, iain johnstone and they have to be perplexed and wearied with the work, without having at last, even the little satisfaction of knowing that the teacher appreciates the difficulties with which they had to contend. It is even better policy to overrate, than to underrate it. _Personal religious instruction.
These are called criminal cases. I tried this plan very thoroughly, with high ideas of the dependence which might be placed upon conscience iain johnstone and a sense of duty, if these principles are properly brought out to action in an effort to sustain the system. "Now, does the sun, in going round the earth, pass over the Rocky Mountains, or over us, first?" To this question, the teacher hears a confused answer. They trust to some imaginary change, long since passed by, and which has proved to be iain johnstone spurious by its failing iain johnstone of its fruits. The trial. Six or seven topics are given out, information iain johnstone upon which is to be obtained from any source, and communicated verbally before the whole school, or sometimes iain johnstone iain johnstone before a class formed for iain johnstone this purpose, the next day. "I suppose that some will be found partly effaced.
"Only the meat. But it does not succeed so well as to attract general attention, and consequently does not get into general circulation. The following are the principal things which, in a vast number of schools, are all the time pressing upon the teacher: or rather, they are the things which must, every where, press upon the teacher, except so far as, by the skill of his arrangements, he contrives iain johnstone to remove them. When all is still, the teacher addresses his pupils as follows. A teacher iain johnstone who does not adopt some system in regard to this subject, will be always at the mercy of his scholars. iain johnstone " "Yes; when that which belongs to another is taken secretly, it is called stealing; when it is taken openly or with violence, it is called robbery. for friendship; the third, H. I should like to ask all those who have some particular friend in school, and who can recollect the impression which the individual made upon them when they first saw her, to rise, and then I should like to inquire in how many cases the first impression was favorable, iain johnstone and in how many iain johnstone unfavorable.
The distraction and perplexity iain johnstone of the teacher's life are, as was explained in the last chapter, almost proverbial. Look at that teacher, and consider for a moment, his condition. There are three distinct ways of iain johnstone doing this. A few days thus sporting on the briny wave, when suddenly the sky is overspread with clouds, the rain descends in torrents, the sails are lowered, the gale begins, the vessel is carried with great velocity, and the shrouds iain johnstone unable to support the tottering mast, gives way to the furious tempest; the vessel is drove among the rocks, is sprung iain johnstone aleak, the sailor works at the pumps, till, faint and weary, is heard from below, six feet of water in the hold, the boats are got ready, but before they are into them, the vessel dashed against a reef of rocks, some in despair throw themselves into the sea, others get on the rocks without any clothes or provisions, and linger a few days, perhaps weeks or months, living on shell fish or perhaps taken up by some ship. To expose children to public ridicule or contempt, tends either to make them sullen and despondent, or else to arouse their resentment and to make them reckless and desperate. To secure this, he must avoid all harsh and exaggerated expressions, or direct reproaches, and while he is mild and gentle and forbearing himself, lead the boys to understand and feel the nature of the sin which he exposes.
" LAURA. They ought to understand the distinction between _seeing that a thing is done_, and _doing it_. The whole was made in one or two recesses in school, iain johnstone with iain johnstone such tools and materials as I could then command. quietly pursued her various avocations, without apparently noticing Helen's conduct. The students finding the part of a judge too difficult for them to sustain, one of the Professors was appointed to hold that office, and, for similar reasons, another of the Professors was made President of the Legislative assembly. Cautions. I have adopted it with great advantage. And it is not necessary. iain johnstone It will be the most valuable knowledge which a man can possess, both to assist him in the general administration of the school, and in his intercourse among mankind in the business of life. They will come together in the place assigned, and listen to iain johnstone the iain johnstone one who is appointed to read the words to them, with every faculty aroused, and their whole souls engrossed in the new duties assigned them.
Sometimes we have a general reading lesson. Examples. He has no right to use it iain johnstone for any purpose _foreign to the specific objects_ iain johnstone for which he is employed, unless by _the consent, expressed or iain johnstone implied_, of those by whom he is entrusted with his charge. It will show that the teacher is upon his guard; and there are very few, so hardened in deception, that they would not wish that they had been really iain johnstone sincere, rather than rest under such an imputation. It should be considered by the pupils, not a reluctant confession of guilt, for which they are to be rebuked or punished, but the voluntary and free report of the result of an _experiment_, in which all are interested. But to proceed: "When the sun is exactly opposite to us, in the south, at iain johnstone the highest point to which he rises, what o'clock is it?" "When iain johnstone the sun is exactly opposite to us, can he be opposite to the Rocky Mountains?" "Does he get opposite to the Rocky Mountains, before, or after, he is opposite to us?" "When he is opposite to the Rocky Mountains, what o'clock is it there?" "Is it twelve o'clock here, then, before, iain johnstone or after it is twelve o'clock there?" "Suppose the river Mississippi iain johnstone is fifteen degrees from iain johnstone us, how iain johnstone long is it twelve o'clock here, before it is twelve o'clock there?" "When it is twelve o'clock here then, what time will it be there?" Some will probably answer "one," and some "eleven. CHAPTER VIII.
These means of awakening interest, and relieving the tedium of iain johnstone the uninterrupted and monotonous study of text books, must not encroach on the regular duties of the school. But I will put the question to vote, by asking how many are willing that I should know, entirely and fully, all that they have done in this class, that has been wrong.