Instruction and supervision of pupils.
This would perhaps be better than nothing. " "All those, that are not fully prepared with this lesson, may sit.
The class may bring their slates to the recitation, and the teacher may propose questions successively, the answers to which all the class may write, numbering them carefully. Trial of a case. I will mention some of the subjects, which would come up at such a time. "The next general method is _calculating_. Books, maps, papers, playthings, are there in promiscuous confusion; and from the impulse of the moment, the displeased teacher pours out upon the poor boy a torrent of reproach. 1. "--"Yes sir, we will," are the replies. " The business ended here, and it put a stop, a final stop to all malicious tricks in the school.
Specimens. Assign practical subjects,--subjects relating to the business of the school,--or the events taking place around you. I have done nothing on this subject yet, for I wished to see whether you would not come early, on principle.
Its sessions are always held out of school hours; and in fact it is hardly considered by the scholars as a constituent part of the arrangements of the school. In the latter, his knowledge is only imperfectly his own; he can make use of it only under favorable circumstances. He at length conceived and adopted the following plan. A catalogue of these marks, with an explanation, was made out and placed where it was accessible to all, and by means of them the books could be very easily and rapidly, but thoroughly phentermine health risk criticised. Others understand and consider all this beforehand. If any are new scholars, she ought to interest herself in assisting them to become acquainted in school,--if they are friendless and alone, to find companions for them, and to endeavor in every way, to make their time pass pleasantly and happily. The objects which are really most important. "Did you all recite together?" "No sir.
(3) But perhaps the greatest evil of this practice is, it satisfies the teacher. Consider the influence you may have upon the other institutions of our country, by attaching yourself to some one under the existing organization. A small red morocco wrapper phentermine health risk lies constantly on a little shelf, accessible to all. 2. About every thing in which it is possible to be so, she is untidy. Now remove the former away, where there are no very frail materials for him to act upon, and place the latter where phentermine health risk he is exposed to no special temptation, and all would be well. We can then see how much improvement has been made, in that time.
Perhaps you are contemplating only a single new institution, phentermine health risk which is to depend for its success, on yourself and some coadjutors whom you have in mind, and whom you well know. A little skill on his part will soon determine the question which kind of writing shall prevail in his school. "Why? If you now sincerely determine never more to use a profane word, will you not easily avoid it?" The boys were silent. A great phentermine health risk number of very trifling incidents were mentioned, such as could not have produced any difficulty in the class, and consequently could not have been the real instances of disorder phentermine health risk alluded to. It commences at half past three and continues about half an hour. The word occurred in their reading lesson. _ (See plan. Principle which is to guide the teacher on this subject.
' "'Oh no! it is not by any means certain that they are _good_ boys. The practice of thus reducing to writing what the teacher may say on such subjects will be attended with excellent effects. The scholars all looked up from their books. In fact, I doubt whether any in school will think of it. She was pale and thin in her countenance, but there was a very calm and happy phentermine health risk expression beaming in her phentermine health risk eye. Of course the recitations in such a case must be memoriter. The word occurred in their reading lesson. You will probably become restless and uneasy, before the end of the lesson, especially the smaller boys. They learn the meaning of words, not by definitions, but by their phentermine health risk connexion in the sentences in which they hear them; and by long practice, they acquire an astonishing facility of doing this. 4. But the pupil, in such cases, understands, phentermine health risk or at least he believes, that the teacher applies to religious truth, only to eke out his own authority, and of course, it produces no effect.
But the best plan is, for the teacher not to mend the pens himself. The next day, I shall assign to the class in History, a passage giving an account of the formation of this government; and afterwards lessons phentermine health risk will be recited from the Political Class Book, explaining the mode of collecting money for the use of our government, by duties, and the relative powers of the General and State Governments. Something in the air and manner of one or both of them confirms this impression, phentermine health risk and you phentermine health risk take the necessary measures at once. VERNON SCHOOL.
They phentermine health risk get longer lessons, and make fewer mistakes than they did by the old method. at the close of each half hour, and also five minutes before the close, to give the classes notice that the time for recitation is about to expire. TARDINESS. , were read, in succession, until I could not but exclaim, 'How pleasing is variety!' School was phentermine health risk at length closed, and the young ladies again attacked the piano. I told her that I _hated_ the school mistress then; though I had never seen her.
He is also obliged to resort to arts which are certainly phentermine health risk not very honorable, to conceal his ignorance. By raising the tassel, the phentermine health risk plate will of course fall over forward till it is stopped by the part _b_ striking the board, when it will be in a horizontal position. I need not finish the description of this case, by narrating, particularly, the reading of the reports, the appointment of a committee to assign phentermine health risk the nails, and to paste up the names of the scholars, one to each. _ Fifty-six cents.
phentermine health risk But there is a stronger motive still, in the results which flow directly to himself, from such efforts. "Mrs. 2. He thinks of its applicability to a thousand other cases. That would perhaps be the wisest phentermine health risk rule. That you may vote more freely, I wish you to vote phentermine health risk by ballot.
But if we leave out of view some hundreds, or if you please, some thousands of theological controversialists, who manage the public discussions, and say and do all that really comes before the public on this subject, it will be found, that there is vastly more religious truth admitted by common consent, among the people of New England, than is generally supposed. He could play with the boys beyond the garden gate, and if detected, to be sure he was obliged to spend a quiet hour in the pleasant parlor. " "Well, now, what do you think I ought to do next?" The boys have nothing to say. " Girls and boys however young, never consider themselves little children, for they can always look down upon some younger than themselves. If the scholars are led to understand that the school is to a great extent their institution, that they must assist to sustain its character, and that they share the honor if any honor is acquired, a feeling will prevail in the school, which may be turned to a most useful account. " "Would that be about right?" asks the girl, showing a distance. There are many reasons why the exercises of the school should every day be thus commenced, and there are special reasons for it on the first day. I do not offer them as remarkable compositions: every teacher will see that they are not so. '" "Yes sir," was heard from all parts of the room. " You must never phentermine health risk ask permission of me or of the teachers.
It is the duty of teachers to take care, however, when a pupil pleads want of time as a reason for being unprepared in any lesson, that the case is fully examined, that it may be ascertained whether the individual has joined too many classes, in which case some one should be dropped, and thus the time and the employments of each individual should be so adjusted as to give her constant occupation _in school_, and as much more as her parents phentermine health phentermine health risk risk may desire. I am aware that there are many persons, so habituated to judging with confidence of the piety of others, from some such indications as I have described, phentermine health risk that they will think I carry my cautions to the extreme. This subject has already been discussed in the chapter on Instruction, where it has been shown that every wise teacher, while he pursues the same great object, and adopts in substance the same leading measures at all times, will exercise all the ingenuity he possesses, and bring all his inventive powers into requisition to give variety and interest to the minute details. |MATHEMATICS. Sometimes you may make the offence public, phentermine health risk as in the case of the snapping of the lath described under a former head, while you kindly conceal the name of the offender. He will find less difficulty at the outset than he would have expected, and soon have the satisfaction of perceiving that a mild but most efficient government is quietly and firmly established in the little kingdom over which he is called to reign.
She must not however, _at the request of an individual_ for the sake of her mere private convenience, give her permission to speak or to leave her seat. Explain truth and duty, not in an abstract form, but exhibit it, _in actual and living examples_. "For example, (to take the case of the antipathy to the spider, alluded to in the last article,) the reason why that young lady dislikes spiders, is undoubtedly because she has some unpleasant idea associated with the thought of that animal, perhaps for example, phentermine health risk the idea of their crawling upon her--which is certainly not a very pleasant one for any body. Then I shall examine your slates, and see how many mistakes are made. This is a point of fundamental importance; for, if what I should say on the subject of exercising ingenuity and contrivance in teaching, should be the means, in any case, of leading a teacher to break in upon the regular duties of his school, and destroy phentermine health risk the steady uniformity with which the great objects of such an institution should be pursued, my remarks had better never have been written. This information must of course be obtained in private conversation; a good deal of it must be, from its very nature, highly confidential; but it is very important that the teacher should be possessed of it. Whatever else be may be employed about, his eye turns instinctively to this group, phentermine health risk with an intensity of interest, which an experienced teacher who has long been in the field, and who has tried experiments of this sort a hundred times, can scarcely conceive.
Then at the end of any time you may propose, we will have the desks examined again, and see how many are disorderly. While he was maturing his plan, and carrying it into execution;--while adjusting his wires, fitting them phentermine health risk to the exact length, and to the exact position,--and especially, when, at last, he watches the first successful operation of his contrivance,--he must have enjoyed a pleasure, which very few, even of the joyous sports of childhood, could have supplied. I am prejudiced to [against] the very spot. Now all these characters must be studied. " "Well, now try to say the Alphabet, and let me see if I can put you out there. It is so with all the other employments in life. " "I should think, sir," said William, "that those who are _necessarily_ tardy, might be excused. Then several nuts thus protected grow closely together inside this green prickly covering; which spreads over them and guards them from the larger animals and the boys. This they all repeatedly acknowledged; and the scholars almost unanimously admitted, that the good of the school required the prohibition of all communication during certain hours.
Variety. Of course, it is very easy for the teacher, if he is so disposed, to abuse this privilege also. He does not reflect that the same efforts, which so essentially altered his condition and prospects at twenty, would have carried him forward phentermine health risk to higher and higher sources of influence and enjoyment, as long as he should continue them. After this he asked the boys all to sit down. B. " phentermine health risk * * * * * Now, in some such cases as this, great good may be done both in respect to the individual, and to the state of public sentiment in school, by openly exposing a boy's misconduct. "My plan," continues the teacher, "is this:--to allow you all, besides the recess, a short time, two or three minutes perhaps, every hour;" (or every half hour, according phentermine health risk to the character phentermine health risk of the school, the age of the pupils, or other circumstances, phentermine health risk to be judged of by the teacher,) "during which you may all whisper or leave your seats, without phentermine health risk asking permission.
For example, a mother was in the habit, when phentermine health risk phentermine health risk her little boy ran beyond his proscribed play-ground, of putting him into solitary confinement. I do not now recollect precisely what they were. The extent to which a teacher may multiply his power, by acting on numbers at a time, is very great. The better and the more pleasantly to accomplish the object of exerting a favorable influence upon the characters of the members of their sections, the Superintendents ought often to bring up subjects phentermine health risk connected with moral and religious duty in section meetings. "All who do understand may take their seats; as I wish to give as little explanation, as possible. It is to provide a way, by which teachers and pupils may write, anonymously, for the school.
And it has occurred to me that this will be a convenient mode of apprising you generally, that any article had better not phentermine health risk be handled. Every phentermine health risk thing is not to phentermine health risk be done in school. The two upper Sections are called Senior, the next two Middle, and the two younger Junior. This new plan is continued, we will suppose, a week, during which time the interest of the pupils continues. Sometimes the case will be merely stated, phentermine health risk the reader being left to draw the inference; at others, such remarks will be added as the case suggests.
With these cautions, the method here alluded to will be found to be of very great advantage in many studies; for example, all the arithmetical tables may be recited in this way; words may be spelled, answers to sums given; columns of figures phentermine health risk added, phentermine health risk or numbers multiplied; and many questions in History, Geography, and other miscellaneous studies, answered, especially the general questions asked for the purpose of a review.
" The poor boy will drop his load, disheartened and discouraged, and sit down upon it, in despair. Multiplicity of the objects of attention. I ought however first to say, that any young lady, who chooses to be free from the jurisdiction of the court, can signify that wish to me, and she is safe from it. "It will be more convenient for me to talk with you about this to-morrow, than to-night, if you are willing to wait.