Although moral influences, news ethics are the chief foundations on which the power of the teacher over news ethics the minds and hearts of his pupils is, according to this treatise, to rest, still it must not be imagined that the system here recommended is one of persuasion. It is drawn up and let down by a cord passing over a pulley. ' A few more facts will be stated respecting the same individual, which I believe are strictly true. Whatever the teacher does, news ethics will seem to be more news ethics deliberate, and, in fact, _will be_ more deliberate. The teacher is the agent; the patrons, represented news ethics in these several ways, are the principals. They will keep you to a steady purpose, and your work will go on far more systematically and regularly, than it news ethics would, if, as in fact many teachers do, you were to come headlong news ethics into your school, take things just as you find them, and carry them forward at random, without end or aim. But it would not do. Communications in writing. ) In all the former part of the day the scholars are divided into _classes_, according to their news ethics proficiency in particular branches of study, and they resort to their _recitations_ for _instruction_.
There are other pressing and exhausting pursuits, which wear away the spirit by the ceaseless care which they impose, or perplex and bewilder the intellect by the multiplicity and intricacy of their details. After the record is read, you will observe me take from a little red morocco wrapper, which has been brought to my desk, a number of narrow slips news news ethics ethics of paper, which I am to read aloud.
"Teachers not unfrequently threaten their pupils news ethics with some proper punishment, but when obliged to put the threat into execution, contrive in some indirect way, to abate its rigor news ethics and thus destroy all its effects. "I have got a sharper knife," said he, drawing his penknife out of his pocket. They news ethics will news ethics learn system and regularity by being taught to perform this simple duty in a proper manner. He can _make_ them get the lesson it is true, but he perceives perhaps that it is a weary task to them. By thus cautiously and slowly introducing plans, news ethics founded on the systematic principles here brought to view, a very considerable degree of quiet, and order, news ethics and regularity may be introduced news ethics into the news ethics largest and most miscellaneous schools. The first to the _business of the school_, and the second to such news ethics studies or lectures as could be most profitably attended to at such a time. _General news ethics cautions. There will be very little to interest you except the subject itself, for I make all the instructions which I give there as plain, direct, and practical as is in my power. Without ingenuity of contrivance like this,--turning one principle of human nature against another, and making it for the momentary interest of men to act in a given way, no government could stand a year. " "Proposed, that a class in Botany be formed. news ethics
But the strong ascendency, which, in consequence of his official station, he has obtained over the minds of his pupils, is sacred. news ethics A revelation. Anecdote. Some teacher may, perhaps, say that he cannot perform it because he is not a religious man;--he makes no pretensions to piety. The class study the definitions, and the teacher supposes they fully understand them; in fact, they do _understand_ them, but the name and the thing are so feebly connected news ethics in their minds, that a direct effort, and news ethics a short pause, are necessary to recall the idea, when they hear or see the word. "Shoulders back.
" The teacher who tries such an experiment as this, will find, at such a news ethics juncture, an expression of fixed and pleased attention upon every countenance in school. And news ethics in the first place I want you to tell me honestly all about it. " With the plan as thus presented, the scholars were very much pleased.
If a proper feeling on the subject of good discipline, news ethics and the formation of good character, prevails in school, many articles, which will have a great deal of effect upon the pupils, will news ethics news ethics find their way through such an avenue, once opened. Sometimes they adjourn almost immediately; perhaps after having simply attended to the distribution of pens news ethics for the news ethics next day; at other times they remain during the hour, attending to such exercises as the superintendent may plan. This is to be done, news ethics it must be remembered, when they are wrong, as well as when they are right. The teacher resumes the discussion thus.
Let piety control and regulate it.
At the direction of teachers.
' "'I mean that they are good boys _now_; that they are doing right news ethics at _this time_. If the reader has, in his own school, news ethics a greater or a less number, he can easily correct the above, so as to adapt it to his own case, and ascertain the portion, which may justly be appropriated to each pupil. 2. Ascertaining who they are. While, news ethics however, it is thus distinctly understood that the power of the teacher is supreme, that all the power rests in him, and that he alone is responsible for its exercise, there ought, to be a very free and continual _delegation_ of power to the pupils. As you will perceive by recalling to mind the daily order of exercises, news ethics news ethics the classes meet and recite during the first three hours of the school, and the sections assemble on the fourth and last. For example, in this last case, I have not the slightest recollection of any individual who was engaged in it. God must forgive you when you do wrong, news ethics or news ethics the burden must remain.
" The boys looked around news ethics upon one another. news ethics " This is the way to reach the intellect and the heart of the young. news ethics " I am aware that there are, unfortunately, in our country, a great many teachers, from whose lips, such an appeal as this, would be wholly in vain. It will be difficult, but I think you may be able to accomplish it. _ What I have been saying throws light upon one important verse news ethics in the Bible, which I should like to have read. This news ethics plan was adopted by them, by vote. She is to superintend the preparation of their schedules,--to see that each one has enough and not too much to do, by making known to me the necessity of a change where such necessity news ethics exists;--to see that the schedules are submitted to the parents, news ethics and that their opinion, or suggestions if they news ethics wish to make any, are reported to me.
The topics at first most usually selected, are the common objects by which we are news ethics surrounded; for example, glass, iron, mahogany, &c. Now such a practice may be attended news ethics with many advantages, but it seems to be, on the whole, unwise. General cautions. "I wished news ethics to see whether this class would be honest,--really honest, or whether they would have the insincerity news ethics to pretend to be confessing, when they were not doing so honestly, so as to get the credit of being news ethics frank and sincere, when in reality they are not so. The scholars will thus see that the arrangements of the school are based upon news ethics system, to which the teacher himself conforms, and not subjected to his own varying will. I mean a minute account of the plans and arrangements by which these general principles are applied. The first class in Geography is so large that we have not room in the recitation seats. news ethics Now such a practice may be attended with many advantages, but it seems to be, on the whole, unwise.
)The teacher should be interested in _all_ his scholars, and aim equally to secure the progress of all. You will probably become restless news ethics and uneasy, before the end of the lesson, especially the smaller boys. Your fathers bought your hats. B. My charge to the jury would be somewhat as follows. These should however generally be made in writing. "Here then," news ethics said the master, news ethics "is one reason for having news ethics prickles around the chestnuts when they are small. TARDINESS.
But do you suppose that it will be enough for you merely to resolve news ethics here, that you will reform?" news ethics "No sir," said the boys. 5.
" The reason news ethics then, that news ethics some of the class add so slowly, is not probably because they want skill and rapidity of execution, but became they work to a great disadvantage, by working in the wrong way. In a case of ill health, she may, as has often been done in such cases at the request of parents, news ethics join one news ethics or two classes only, and occupy the whole forenoon in preparing news ethics for them, and be entirely free from school duties at home. " I have detailed this news ethics case, thus particularly, because it exhibits clearly what I mean, by going directly and frankly to the individual, and coming at once, to a full understanding. The object of the division into classes is _instruction_. There is a horrid news ethics sensation created by their ugly forms, that makes me news ethics wish them all to Jericho. The parent has every thing at stake, and it is manifestly unjust to give one man the power of deciding, while he escapes all the consequences of his mistakes, if he makes any, and to take away all the news ethics _power_ from those, upon whose heads, all the suffering, which will follow an abuse of the power, must descend. news ethics You can at any time invite any one whom you please, to come to the meeting. Its sessions are always held out of school hours; and in fact it is hardly considered by the news ethics scholars as a constituent part of the arrangements of the school.
"About half an hour.
"Besides," I continued, news ethics "the Trustees of this school have committed it to my charge; they hold news ethics me responsible; the public news ethics hold me responsible, not you. The Latin, French, and English classes recite at this time. There are then three modes of adding up a column of figures, which I shall news ethics describe. " 1. "What do you suppose a prophet is?" said an instructer to a class of little boys. Do you like this plan?" "Yes sir," was the answer, and all seemed to enter into it with spirit. In other instances, a board of trustees are constituted by the appointment of the founders of the institution, or by the legislature of a state, to whom is committed the oversight of its concerns, and who are consequently the representatives of the founders and patrons of news ethics the school.
The universal and unchangeable principles of duty are the same here as elsewhere. It is desirable that the young teacher should meet his scholars first in an unofficial capacity. news ethics You had better throw this club away, and news ethics save yourself from punishment by being a good news ethics boy. How many will the sun pass, in going half round? In going quarter round?" "Ninety degrees then make one quarter of the circumference news ethics news ethics of the globe. Show by the manner in which you consider and speak of the question, that your main inquiry is what is _your duty_. 12. When you speak to him of God's goodness, and of his past ingratitude, his bosom heaves with emotion, and the tear stands in his eye.
The greatest and most permanent source of pleasure to the boy, in such a case as I have described, is his feeling that he is accomplishing a great effect by a slight effort of his own; the feeling news ethics of power; acting through the _intervention of instrumentality_, so as to multiply his power. " "We news ethics might upset the inkstands," said another. Interesting the scholars in the good order of the school. Plan of clearing the galleries in the British House Of Commons. "I think," proceeds the teacher, "the boys will be honest, and report their desks just as they are. " "James, you may stand up.
It is so with every case, where the relation of employer and employed subsists. By pulling the string he could spring the lath, and then let it snap back to its place. 1. 3. She must not however, _at the request of an individual_ for the sake of her mere private convenience, give her permission to speak or to leave her seat.
_ (See Plan. 5. By English classes I mean those studying the English _as a language_, i. Instead, however, of saying frankly, I do not understand that example, I will look at it and examine it, he looks at it embarrassed and perplexed, not knowing news ethics how he shall escape the exposure of his ignorance. news ethics It is said, news ethics that, when the steam engine was first put into operation, such was the imperfection of the machinery, that a boy was necessarily stationed at it, to open and shut alternately the cock, by which news ethics the steam was now admitted, and now shut out, from the cylinder. So much so, that I hesitated much about inserting an account news ethics of it in this description. It was news ethics necessary, news ethics however, that the thing should be examined, and that restitution should be made; and relying on their faithfulness and ability, he should leave them to manage the business alone. There is no objection to your giving particular individuals special instruction, adapted to their wants and circumstances. " "The quarter of a dollar. I should like, therefore, to have two committees appointed; one, to count and report the number of nails in the entry, and also how much room there is for more; the other, to ascertain the number of scholars in school. 2.
Parents may, indeed, often misjudge. And in a few months, scarcely any body knows that such a book ever saw the light. The one goes on mechanically the same, and depends for his power on violence, or on threats and demonstrations of violence. news ethics " The second Accountant then arranged the papers, and prepared them to go into news ethics the book, and the writer who belongs to the department copied them fairly. "James, I am making some changes in the seats, and thought of removing you to another place. For some time, the attention of the Instructers was occupied in arranging the course of study, and attending to the other concerns of the Institution, and in the infant state of the Lyceum, few cases of discipline occurred, and no regular system of government news ethics was necessary. The boy news ethics with the green satchel said that apples had a smooth, tight news ethics skin, which kept out the wet, but he did not news ethics see how they were guarded from animals. TOPICS. news ethics
When you are reading, notice such facts, and remember such narratives, as you can turn to good account, in this way. After endeavoring to induce you to begin to act from Christian principle, I wish to explain to you, your various duties to yourselves, your parents, and to God. His object, I think, should be, in all ordinary cases, for the news ethics first few days, twofold. " It is the only way to avoid continual anxiety and irritation, and the surest means of securing real respect.
* * * * * The objects which are to be secured, in the management of classes, are twofold, 1. We should not only regret its services, but miss its company, if it should be taken away. 'Miss A. _ Where do you think they are? We've been looking a great news ethics while for them. It was a very pleasant summer's afternoon, and the door was open. Let them not therefore understand that any thing which I shall say, applies at all to those real improvements which are from time to time, brought before the public.