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In almost every school, there are enough who can sing to begin, especially if the first experiment is made in a recess, or before or after school; and the beginning once made, the difficulty is over. They lie at the foundation. The boys scowl at their teacher, and, with ill-natured reluctance, they obey, just enough to escape punishment. This is well; but it is no proof of piety. " "Well, my object cynical c blog august archives in that, was, almost entirely, to persuade you to reform, without having to speak to you directly. The Principal was the Executive, with power to _pardon_, but not to _sentence_, or even _accuse_. They will be very glad to learn, and to mend every day twenty-five cynical c blog august archives or fifty pens each. You know it would be very unwise for me, after assigning a lesson in the class, to spend my time in telling the individuals over again here. If he underrates his difficulties, or overrates the power of his means of overcoming them, it is his mistake; a mistake for which _he_ is fully responsible. ") Well, watch a spider when making one of these, or observe his artful ingenuity and vigilance, when he is lying in wait for a fly.

He paid of course very little attention cynical c blog august archives to the writing, now and then reproving, with an impatient tone, some extraordinary instance of carelessness, or leaving his work to suppress some rising disorder.

And it is often the cause of great and lasting injury too. They are to keep a record of all their proceedings, the head cynical c blog august archives of the department acting as secretary for this purpose. In one instance, for example, he will see two boys together, James and Joseph we will call them, exhibiting a tendency to play, and after inquiring into their characters he will find that they are good-natured, pleasant boys, and that he had better be frank with them on the subject. I would tie her hands behind her, and put three or four upon her, to crawl over her face. Half a dozen might, and very probably would meet with the same difficulty. When that hour has arrived, let the teacher devote a very short period, five minutes perhaps, to religious _instruction_, given in various ways. " The scholars looked surprised. Others understand and consider all this beforehand. (1. Sometimes this feeling may show itself by the discontented looks, or gestures, or even words, with which some unwelcome decision will be received.

, I _will_ do better. Keeping a register of the scholars, cynical c blog august archives and various other duties connected with the accounts. He sat at his table, and the pens of a whole bench were brought to him, and, after being carefully mended, were returned, to be in readiness for the writing hour. His mischief consisted, as usual, in such exploits as stopping up the keyhole, upsetting the teacher's inkstand, or fixing something to his desk to make a noise, and interrupt cynical c blog august archives the school. By such means, these sources of interruption and difficulty may, like the others, be cynical c blog august archives almost entirely removed. cynical c blog august archives Under the latter, is included all the explanation, and assistance, and additional information, which the teacher may give his pupils, and, under the former, such an _examination_ of individuals, as is necessary to secure their careful attention to their lessons. This is very strikingly cynical c blog august archives the case with Geometry.

After this occurrence, the system went on in successful operation, for some time. The teacher stops to hear all these, and to talk about them; fretted himself, and fretting the delinquents by his impatient remarks. In order to show that it was necessary, he related the circumstances of the quarrel which had occurred the day before. Religious Instruction. He is in no haste to commence cynical c blog august archives his operations. From being the mere drudge, who drives, without intellect or thought, a score or two of boys to their daily tasks, he rises to the rank of an intellectual philosopher, cynical c blog august archives cynical c blog august archives exploring the laws and successfully cynical c blog august archives controlling the cynical c blog august archives tendencies of mind. Of course, I shall have no punishment for it; but it will very much assist you to watch yourselves, if you expect to make a report at the end of the forenoon. The great question in the management of schools, is not, how you can take _one_ scholar, and lead him forward, cynical c blog august archives most rapidly, in a prescribed course, but cynical c blog august archives how you can classify and arrange _numbers_, comprising every possible variety, both as to knowledge and capacity, so as to carry them all forward effectually together. Probably it would not. " With the plan as thus presented, the scholars were very much pleased. They should understand that the teacher is engaged in various plans for improving the school, in which they should be invited to engage, not from the selfish desire of thereby saving him trouble, but because it will really be happy employment for them to engage in such an enterprise, and because, by such efforts, their own moral powers will be exerted and strengthened in the best possible way.

What these measures of restraint or punishment shall be, must depend upon the circumstances of the case; but in resorting to them, the teacher must be decided and unbending. " A SATIRICAL SPIRIT. " These directions, if understood and obeyed, would divide the class evidently into two portions. | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+----+-----+------+-----+--+ +------+------+--+ +-----+-----+ |FRIDAY. I wish the object of these remarks not to be misunderstood. It is not necessary to our purpose, that they should be described here.

It is a great, though very prevalent mistake, to imagine, that boys and girls like a lax and inefficient government, and dislike the pressure of steady control. 2. Now you told me, when we began, that you would deal honestly and sincerely with me, if I would with you. You may satisfy yourself that human nature is, in this respect, what I have described, by some such experiment as the following:--Select two classes, not very familiar with elementary arithmetic, cynical c blog august archives and offer to each of them the following example in Addition:-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 &c. My duty is, to take measures to prevent future transgression, and to lead those who have been guilty of it, to God for pardon.

It is by such methods as this, rather than by threatening and punishment, that I manage the cases of discipline which from time to time occur, but even such as this, slight as it is, occur very seldom. He ought, it will be generally supposed in this country, to be republican. When this is done, his duty is ended, and whether the patient obeys the prescription and lives, or neglects it and dies, the physician feels exonerated from all responsibility. He began to teach when he was twenty years of age, and now he is forty. I guess if he should come near me, cynical c blog august archives I would give him one good slap that would make him feel pretty bad. It depends entirely on the character of the individual herself. The opportunities for doing this to advantage will, however, be rare.

Several brought copies of the Sabbath School Hymn Book which they had in their possession, and the plan succeeded beyond all expectation. If the Creator has so formed the mind of a boy, that he must go through life slowly and with difficulty, impeded by obstructions which others do not feel, and depressed by discouragements cynical c blog august archives which others never know, his lot is surely hard enough, without having you to add to it the trials and suffering, which sarcasm cynical c blog august archives and reproach from you, can heap upon him. I gave you all time to do that, and now I should rather not hear any more about the disorder. We will call the first, M. There is no branch of study attended to in school, which may, by cynical c blog august archives judicious efforts, be made more effectual in accomplishing this object,--leading the pupils to see the practical utility, cynical c blog august archives and the value of knowledge, than composition. But it does not succeed so well as to attract general attention, and consequently does not get into general circulation. " You will see from this anecdote that though there is but one rule of the school, I by no means intend to say that there is only _one way of doing wrong here_. He may be wrong to _form_ such opinions. You all remember, however, how large he is. He began to show evident marks of embarrassment and confusion. The notices which I gave, the arrangements I made,--the subjects discussed and decided,--and in fact every thing important and interesting in the business or occurrences of the preceding day--is recorded by the secretary of the school, and read at this time.

Experiment with the Multiplication table. A little reflection will, however, show the teacher that the form and construction of the apparatus for marking the times of study and of rest, may be greatly varied. Perhaps a few schools may make a trial of it, and if, for any reason, the teachers who try it are interested in the work, perhaps in their hands, it succeeds. Now will you look into your desks, and tell me whether they are, on these three principles, well arranged. The discussions are enlivened too, by meeting and removing such little cynical c blog august archives difficulties, as will naturally come up, in such an investigation.

But the exercise of ingenuity in studying the nature of the difficulty with which a man has to contend, and bringing in some antagonist principle cynical c blog august archives of human nature to remove it, or if not an antagonist principle, a similar principle, cynical c blog august archives operating, by a peculiar arrangement cynical c blog august archives of circumstances, in an antagonist manner, is always pleasant.

Go _into detail_. So much ground, it seems, the teacher may occupy, by common consent, in New-England, and it certainly is a great deal. Do let's run _Charles. cynical c blog august archives Thus according to their religious observances, a certain day will be proclaimed _Tabu_, that cynical c blog august archives is, one upon which there is to be no work, or no going out. When you come from your school room at night, leave all your perplexities and cares behind you. He is willing therefore that the teacher, of course without interfering with the regular duties for the performance of which he holds his office, should, from time to time, so speak of this duty,--of God's goodness to men,--of his daily protection,--and his promised favors, as to awaken, if possible, this attachment, in the hearts of his children.

"More than once?" "Yes sir. All our cases thus far have been for _offences_, that is what they call criminal cases, and this will be only an examination of the conflicting claims of two individuals to the same property, and it will excite a good deal of interest. After this occurrence, the system went on in successful operation, for some time. _Sarah. This could be done quite as conveniently when the boys were engaged in cynical c blog august archives studying, by requesting them to put out their pens at an appointed and _previous_ cynical c blog august archives time. " "Do you know what it is?" "No sir. In the same manner, if I wished to create an antipathy to a spider, in a child, it would be very easily done.

Can any one tell what it is?" No one replied. 6. This success is owing in a very great degree to the _freedom_ of his practice, that is to his escape from the thraldom of imitation. No confidence could be placed in her. The number was found cynical c blog august archives to be so great, that the scholars admitted that something ought to be done. cynical c blog august archives Suppose they are all attentive and desirous of learning, it is very plain that the process may be explained to the whole at once, so that half an hour spent in that exercise, would enable a very large proportion of them to understand the subject. (a. However negligent men may be in _obeying_ God's commands, they do almost universally in our country, admit in theory, the authority from which they come; and believing this, the parent, even if he is aware that he himself does not obey cynical c blog august archives these commands, chooses to have his children taught to respect them. " The boys looked around upon one another.

His business, while pursued in such a way, could not have been a mere dull and uninteresting routine.

I need not say that the stores of ammunition in the street were soon exhausted; the boys working for their leader, when they supposed they were only finding amusement for themselves. Now to go on with my account; suppose all these boys to sit down, and go to writing, each one acting under the impulse of the motive which had been presented to him individually. Explain truth and duty, not in an abstract form, but exhibit it, _in actual and living examples_. Let a teacher propose to his pupils, formally, from his desk, the plan of writing propositions, for example, and procure his wrapper, and put it in its place;--and what would be the result? Why, not a single paper, probably, could he get, from one end of the week to the other. Let them not therefore understand that any thing which cynical c blog august archives I shall say, applies at all to those real improvements which are from time to time, brought before the public. | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+----+-----+------+-----+--+ +------+------+--+ +-----+-----+ |THURS.

" "Well, then, you see, that although she may have done wrong to take your seat, it is not in that point of view, that you bring it into court. I have scarcely time to write to all those who are willing first to write to me. Even if the school cynical c blog august archives generally understand who he is, the injury of public exposure is almost altogether avoided, for the sense of disgrace does not come nearly so vividly home to the mind of a child, from hearing occasional allusions to his offence by individuals among his play-mates, as when he feels himself at a particular time the object of universal attention and dishonor. Another proposes that those who are tardy one day should not go out again, &c.

" "Well, now, what do you think I ought to do next?" The boys have nothing to say. at the close of each half hour, and also five minutes before the close, to give the classes notice that the time for recitation is about to expire. cynical c blog august archives This, however, _the assistance rendered to the teacher_, is not the object. Do you not think it would be so?" "Yes sir," said James, seriously, "I suppose it would.

I never, (unless there may be occasional exceptions in some few very peculiar cases) commence. Another teacher looks calmly at the scene, and says to himself, "What shall I do to remove effectually these evils? If I can cynical c blog august archives but interest the boys in reform, it will be far more easy to effect it, than if I attempt to accomplish it by the mere exercise of my authority. I shall proceed, therefore, to consider the subject, in the following plan:-- 1. Ascertaining who they are. The progress in knowledge must accordingly be, in ordinary cases, slow, and the cultivation of moral principle must be, in such a case, entirely neglected.

The fault, if anywhere, was in the language and not in him; for he reasoned correctly from the data he possessed, and he deserved credit cynical c blog august archives for it. The obligation of the teacher is not founded upon _the superior wisdom_ of his employers, in reference to the business for which they have engaged him, for they are very probably his inferiors in this respect; _but upon their right as employers_, to determine _how their own work shall be done_. He sauntered slowly and listlessly through the aisles, and among the benches of the room, wherever he saw the signal of a pen. But how many teachers take possession of their school room as though it was an empire in which they are supreme, who resist every interference of their employers, as they would an attack upon their personal freedom, and who feel, that in regard to every thing connected with school, they have really no actual responsibility. I might, to exhibit them, call two more boys, one after the other, and say to the one, I will thank you to go and copy this piece of poetry as well as you can. You have not decided what amount of additional time or attention to give to your studies, or, when you will begin, or when you will end. Dialogues between parents and children. His scholars are individuals, and notwithstanding all that the most systematic can do, in the way of classification, they must be attended to in a great measure, as individuals.

After hearing what she chooses to write in her defence, cynical c blog august archives a vote is taken on sustaining the impeachment.