You can easily see hew much pleasanter hank aaron it is for me to have the school controlled hank aaron by such an influence, than if it were necessary for we to hire you to diligence in duty, by prizes or rewards, or to deter you from neglect or from transgression, by reproaches, and threatenings, and punishments. Such an address would, of itself, probably, be the means of hank aaron putting in order, and hank aaron keeping in order, at least one half; and following up the plan in the same manner, and in the same spirit, with which it was begun, would secure the rest. The study of books alone, is hank aaron insufficient hank aaron to give knowledge to hank aaron the young. Such cases are continually taking place, and by the division of labor above illustrated, I am very much assisted in a hank aaron great many of the duties, which would otherwise consume a great portion hank aaron of my time. " Girls and boys however young, hank aaron never consider themselves little children, hank aaron for they can always look down upon some younger than themselves. System of literary institutions in this country. "At length, as we were passing a humble and solitary dwelling, the gentleman said hank aaron to me, 'There is a young woman sick in this house; should you like to go in and see her?' 'Yes sir' said I, 'very hank aaron much. The ways by which boys engage in open, intentional disobedience, are, of course, greatly varied, and the exact treatment will depend upon the features of the individual case.
CHAPTER I. " "What was the other?" "Love of money. hank aaron He was a very impatient boy and was scolding, in a loud angry tone, against the burrs. By our present plan, you are sometimes obliged to wait before I can attend to your request. It is the morose look, the harsh expression, the tone of irritation and fretfulness hank aaron hank aaron which is so unpopular in school. "Can it be noon, then," continues the teacher, "here and at a place fifteen degrees west of us, at the same time?" "Can it be noon here, and at a place ten miles west of us, at the same time?" It is unnecessary to continue the illustration, for it will be very evident to every reader, that by going forward in this way, the whole subject may be hank aaron laid out before hank aaron the pupils, so that they shall hank aaron perfectly understand it.
' The friends resumed conversation. Have you any objection to the indictment?" hank aaron While she is looking over the indictment, to discover a misspelled word, or an error in the date, or some other latent flaw, I appoint any two of the bystanders, jury. It is not right to call it a prejudice, for, although hank aaron a single individual may conceive a prejudice, whole communities very seldom do, unless in some case, which is presented at once to the whole, so that looking at it, through a common medium, all judge wrong together. "A. And even then I should fail of securing my object, unless you had the disposition to do your duty.
' "The boys thus all go to writing. You must vary your method too, in order to interest your pupils. It is as if a carpenter should attempt to support an entablature by pillars of wood too small and weak for the weight, and then go on, from week to week, suffering anxiety and hank aaron irritation, as he sees them swelling and splitting under the burden, and finding fault _with hank aaron the wood_, instead of taking hank aaron it to himself. There doubtless are. It will gratify you to observe the profound stillness of the room where a hundred are studying. This is a point of fundamental importance; for, if what I should say on the subject of exercising ingenuity and contrivance in teaching, should be the means, in any case, of leading a teacher to break in upon the regular duties of his school, and destroy the steady uniformity with which the great objects of such an institution should be pursued, my remarks had better never have hank aaron been written. Such contributions, furnished by judicious men, would be among the most valuable articles in such a work. In one hour then, how many degrees will the sun pass over?" Perhaps no answer. " hank aaron NEW SCHOLARS. After endeavoring hank aaron to induce you to begin hank aaron to act from Christian principle, I wish to explain to you, your various duties to yourselves, your parents, and to God. 'Tis true the practice is not steadily kept up.
The first emotion was that of surprise, hank aaron and the second was that of the ludicrous; though I believe we contrived to smother the laugh, until we got out into the open air.
They lie at the foundation. If this is the case, consider whether the establishment you are contemplating can hank aaron be carried on, after you shall have left it, by such men as can ordinarily be obtained. You have improved a little, but hank aaron you have not decidedly and thoroughly reformed. " This too, would be right, though probably, both in the business of gardening and of teaching, hank aaron the case ought to be a strong one, to render it expedient. On one seat, you will find a coarse, rough looking boy, who will openly hank aaron disobey your commands and oppose your wishes; on another, a more sly rogue, whose demure and submissive look is assumed, to conceal a mischief-making disposition. hank aaron As hank aaron to all questions about the lesson,--where it is, and what it is, and how long it is,--never answer them. Six hank aaron or seven topics are hank aaron given out, information upon which is to be obtained from any source, and communicated verbally before hank aaron the whole school, or sometimes before a class hank aaron formed for this purpose, the next day. Either of these would secure success, unless the plan was a very hank aaron bad one indeed. The notices which I gave, hank aaron the arrangements I made,--the subjects discussed and decided,--and in fact every thing important hank aaron and interesting in the business or occurrences of the hank aaron preceding day--is recorded by the secretary of the school, and read hank aaron at this time. These plans hank aaron were readily and cheerfully adopted by the boys, and in a short time, the vice of profaneness was, in a great degree, banished from the school.
That they should explore their _hearts_ and ask God's forgiveness for all their past sins, hank aaron through Jesus Christ, who died for them that they might be hank aaron forgiven; and that they should from this time, try to live _near to God_, feel his presence, and enjoy that solid peace and happiness which flows hank aaron from a sense of his protection. "Suppose then it takes the sun one hour to go from us to the river Mississippi, how many degrees west of us, would the river be?" hank aaron Having thus familiarized the pupils to the fact, that the motion hank aaron of the sun is a proper measure of the difference of longitude between two places, the teacher must hank aaron dismiss the subject, for a day, and when the next opportunity of bringing it forward occurs, he would perhaps take up the subject of the sun's motion as a measure of _time_. He struck hank aaron them once or twice, though not very severely on the head, with the rule which he had in his hand. When she does become acquainted, all her first strange appearance is forgotten; but this is sometimes not the case for several weeks. The teacher has, we will imagine, been accustomed to teach spelling in the usual way, by assigning a lesson in the spelling book, which the scholars have studied in their seats, and then they have recited by having the words put to them individually in the class. Beginning to act from christian principles hank aaron is the beginning of a new life, and it may be an interesting hank aaron subject of inquiry to you, to ascertain how many of your pupils have experienced the change. Give him wisdom and hank aaron hank hank aaron aaron patience, and faithfulness. F.
Mode of giving it. When, hank aaron therefore, in the following paragraphs, I use the word _employers_, I mean to be understood to speak of the hank aaron committee, or the trustees, or the visiters, or the parents themselves, as the case, in each particular institution, may hank aaron be; that is, the persons, for whose purpose, and at whose expense, the institution is maintained; or their representatives. True way to encourage the young to meet difficulties. Have you any particular preference for that seat?" The question is unexpected, and James hesitates. hank aaron hank aaron
hank aaron He is vexed hank aaron with hank aaron them for not attending to what he says, attributing it to their dulness or regardlessness of all that is useful or good, instead of perceiving that the great difficulty is his own want of hank aaron skill. It is not however, as is generally supposed, hank aaron _the confinement_. These studies are miscellaneous in their character, comprising Geography, History, Natural and Intellectual Philosophy, and Natural History. ) Bring, very fully and frequently, before your pupils the practical duties of religion in all their details, especially their duties at home; to their parents and to their brothers and sisters. By our present plan, you are sometimes obliged to wait before I can attend to your request. Now you told me, when we began, that you would deal honestly and sincerely with me, if I would with you. _Appropriate particular times at which all this business is to be done, and forbid it altogether_ at every other time. But what are you making this formidable hank aaron club for?" Joseph was completely at a loss what to say. Notice every palliating circumstance, and take as favorable hank aaron a view of the thing as you can, while, at the same time, you fix most firmly in your mind the determination to put a stop to it. (6. hank aaron hank aaron
] A teacher, by hank aaron adopting the following plan, succeeded in awakening a great degree of interest in this subject, and consequently, of promoting rapid improvement. A class of pupils somewhat advanced hank aaron in their studies, and understanding and feeling the value of knowledge, will need very hank aaron little of such effort as this; while hank aaron young and giddy children, who have been hank aaron accustomed to dislike books hank aaron and school, and every thing connected with them, will need more. INTEREST IN TEACHING. I am very sorry however to be obliged to say, hank aaron that probably the latter class of teachers are decidedly in the minority. They are to keep a careful and faithful record of their plans and of the history of their respective Sections, and to endeavor, as faithfully hank aaron and as diligently, to advance the interests of the members hank aaron of them, as if the Sections were separate and independent schools of their own. By destroying the character of a pupil, you make him feel that he has nothing more to lose or gain, and hank aaron destroy that kind of interest in his own moral condition, which alone will allure him to virtuous conduct. Of course, in such a plan as this, the teacher must have the hank aaron usual editorial powers, to hank aaron comment upon what is written, or to alter or suppress it at pleasure. Cases of deliberate, intentional wrong will occur, and the question will rise, what is the duty of the teacher in such an emergency? When such cases occur, hank aaron the course to be hank aaron hank aaron taken hank aaron is, first of all, to come to a distinct understanding on the subject with the guilty individual.
"I know what it is for; it is to defend yourself against me with, is it not, boys?" said he, appealing to the others.
" "Well, my object in that, was, almost entirely, to persuade you to reform, without having to speak to you directly. _ (See plan. Such a spirit should be immediately and decidedly checked. "All those, who have written any thing since they took out their slates, may rise too, and those who have wiped their slates. I print his orders in italics, and his remarks hank aaron and explanations in Roman letter.
" 2. It hung the ball at a proper distance from the hank aaron book, and bound it firmly in its place by threads running hank aaron from it, in every direction, to the parts of the book which were near, and then the animal hank aaron took its place, quietly by its side. Your mind during the evening will be in a different world from that in which you have moved during the day. The universal and unchangeable principles of duty are the same here as elsewhere. "Thus you must destroy prejudices in all cases, by connecting pleasant thoughts and associations with the objects of them. One boy will want to know how to parse a word, another hank aaron where the lesson is, another to have a sum explained, and a fourth will wish to show his work, to see if it is right. The last hour of school is devoted to the Sections. Avoid it in this manner. The idleness and irregularity of children in school often depends more on accidental circumstances than on character. " "I don't know what you will do, then: I am sorry you don't remember. If however you should want a pencil and should hank aaron ask her to give you leave to borrow it, even if she should give you leave, you would do wrong to go, for you would not be acting at her _direction_, but simply by her _consent_, and she has no authority to grant hank aaron hank aaron consent.
No legislation can enact laws as fast as a perverted ingenuity can find means to evade them. He reflected too that the real prize, in such a case, is not the value of the pencil, but the _honor of the victory_; and as the honor hank aaron of the victory might as well be coupled with an object of less, as well as with one of greater value, the next week he divided his two pencils into quarters, and offered to his pupils eight prizes instead of two. A lawyer may read in an evening an interesting book of travels, and find nothing to help him with his case, the next day, in court,--but hank aaron almost every fact which the teacher thus learns, will come _at once into use,_ in some of his recitations hank aaron at school. I shall use, in what I have to say, hank aaron a very plain and familiar style; and as very much depends, not only on the general principles by which the teacher is actuated, but also on the tone and hank aaron manner in which, in cases of discipline, he addresses his pupils, I shall hank aaron describe particular cases, real and imaginary, because by this method, I can better illustrate the course to be pursued. 2. This excited considerable curiosity. hank aaron They must be brought forward with judgment and moderation, and made subordinate and subservient to these regular duties. When, however, hank aaron the time arrives, we would strongly recommend that the first service by which the regular duties of the school are commenced should be an act of religious worship. Teachers however very often overlook this. hank aaron
At the business quarter hour, I issued hank aaron the following order. Dialogues they have heard exhibiting it. Such a practice will hank aaron assist the teacher very much, if he manages it with any degree of dexterity: for it will interest his pupils in the success of the school, and secure, to a very considerable extent, hank aaron their cooperation.
After this he asked the boys all to sit down. This may be done by having a place of deposit for such articles as may be written, where any person may leave what he wishes to have read, nominating, by a memorandum, upon the article itself, the reader. They should understand that the _form_ of the letters is what hank aaron is important in learning to write, not the smoothness and clearness of the hair lines; and that though writing looks better, when executed with a perfect pen, a person may _learn_ to write, nearly as well with one, which is not absolutely perfect. Classes. In other instances, a board of trustees are constituted by the appointment of the founders of the institution, or by the legislature of a state, to whom is committed the oversight of its concerns, and who are consequently hank aaron the representatives of the founders and patrons of the school.
In describing the order of daily exercises, I alluded to the _sections_ which assemble in hank aaron the last hank aaron hour of the school.